Chapter 4

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The group was now at lunch and Makoto sighed.

Sayaka looked at him. "What's wrong Makoto?"

"It just seems like there's something wrong with Kyoko..."

"She... Looks the same to me... Wow you must look at her a lot." Sayaka giggled.

Makoto blushed.

Hina clapped. "Oh! Did Makoto finally admit to his crush on Kyoko?" She asked with a grin.

"H-huh!? Did Sayaka tell you?" Makoto asked glaring at his friend.

"It is rather obvious." Sakura said. "Especially after your stunt before lunch."

"And you're like always spacing out and staring towards her direction." Hina added.

"That obvious huh..." Makoto groaned.

"Well you should go talk to her! If anybody can get it out of her its you." Sayaka suggested.

"What? Why me?"

"Because you're friends silly!"

"R-right..." Makoto slowly stood up and made his way over to Kyoko. "Hey Kyo-" He started, but the bell rang.

Kyoko stood up. "Makoto? Do you need something?" She asked.

"Uh... C-can we talk later?" Makoto asked sheepishly.

"I would not mind it. Where?"

"What about the dorms...?"

"Alright. We can meet at my dormitory." Kyoko said before walking off.

"Great! See ya then!" Makoto smiled.

"Makoto? Did Kyoko just invite you to her room?" Sayaka asked.

"Yeah. Why?" Makoto asked, oblivious to her question.

"Makoto... A girl invited you to her room. Your crush invited you to her room."

"Yeah... what's the probl-" Makoto stopped and suddenly blushed a bunch. "O-oh god!" Makoto started freaking out.

Sayaka spent a while trying to calm him down. Encouraging and motivating him.

School has soon finished and Sayaka left Makoto to his business. With a big gulp he made his way towards the dormitory. Makoto didn't see anybody around as he knocked on Kyoko's door.

"Just a minute." Kyoko said from the other side of the door.

Makoto waited patiently as Kyoko soon opened the door. Makoto's eyes widened slightly, seeing as she was in comfortable lounging around clothes.

"I apologize for the wait. I had to get comfortable." Kyoko stepped aside.

"Wh-what is she getting comfortable for..?" Makoto thought.

Kyoko shut the door. "You can sit anywhere. The bed is always a comfortable spot to sit. So feel free." Kyoko said fixing her hair.

Makoto slowly plopped himself onto the bed, twiddling his things on his lap.

Kyoko sat next to him. "So. What do you want to talk about?"

"Huh?" Makoto asked with a blink.

"You said that you wanted to talk to me." Kyoko looked at him. "So, why did you want to talk?"

"Oh! Well... You just seemed kind of distracted today. Do you... Want to talk about it?"

Kyoko paused for a second. "Makoto. What do you think of me?"

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