Chapter 3

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It had been a couple weeks since Toko even spoke a single word to Kyoko. She rarely talked to anybody. She was quiet in class, quiet at lunch, and quiet in between classes. The only person who talked to her was Makoto, but those never lasted long seeing as the two weren't very talkative.

Speaking of Makoto, let's see what he's up to.

Makoto was across the room sitting alone, but not for too long. Sayaka sat in front of him and smiled. "Sooo Makoto~" Sayaka cooed.

"Hm?" Makoto asked looking up the blue haired girl.

"How's your relationship with Kyoko going?" She asked.

Makoto went wide eyed. "K-Keep your voice down!" He whisper yelled.

"Oh? So I was right?" Sayaka blinked.

"W-wait no... I-I don't like Kyoko..." Makoto blushed.

Sayaka giggled. "I bet you're thinking 'Wow! Kyoko is so pretty... I wish I could just hold her in my arms an-"

"St-stop! H-how did you...?" Makoto asked seeming as if Sayaka read his mind.

"Oh. I'm psychic." Sayaka smiled.

"Huh!?" Makoto yelled before gasping. He noticed everyone staring at him and he sat down embarrased.

Sayaka smiled. "Just kidding. I just have really good intuition."

"Oh.. Right..."

"Aaanywaaaays. Why don't you talk to Kyoko more?"

"W-well..." Makoto blushed a bit more. "I just can't! She's so cute... And I haven't even seen her smile yet... Everytime I'm around her I just... Freeze up and can barely hold a conversation..."

Sayaka blinked then giggled. "Oh look at that. You're in love."

Makoto blushed more.

"Don't worry! I, Sayaka Maizono, will not rest until Kyoko Kirigiri is resting in your arms."

Makoto was just red. "Please keep your voice down..."

"Okay so go talk to her."

"Huh?" Makoto blinked.

"I need to evaluate." Sayaka said.

"U-Uh... Okay..." Makoto stood up with a gulp and made his way towards her.

Kyoko was standing, hand on her chin. Makoto's heart was beating rather fast. Makoto tripped on the leg of a desk and stumbled forward.

A loud crash was heard; Makoto opened his eyes and used his hands to push himself up. His eyes then met face to face with Kyoko's, and he just stared. He soon realized the situation and blushed intensely.

"Makoto. Would you mind getting off of me?" Kyoko asked with her poker face.

Makoto gasped and shot up, putting his hand out to help her up. "S-sorry Kyoko!"

Kyoko took his hand. "It's alright. Accidents happen." She said while dusting off her skirt. "Well I should get going. It's time for lunch." Kyoko walked off.

Makoto made his way back to Sayaka. "Stupid bad luck..."

Sayaka laughed. "I bet that's good luck for you huh?"

Makoto blushed. "Get out of my head!"

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