Chapter 11 ~Christmas Special~

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Makoto was pacing back in forth in his room. "What to do... what to do..." He groaned and ran his fingers through hair. "Oh! Maybe I need a... female's perspective on this." Makoto grinned and walked out the door.

He went off to find his close female friend: Sayaka. Makoto knocked on her room door and waited. A cheery "Coooomiiing!" was heard. Sayaka opened the door as cheery as ever.

"Oh! Makoto! What brings you here? It's super early..."

"I need your help... I need to find a Christmas gift for Kyoko..."

"Oooh. I see!" Sayaka smiled wide and giggled. "Come on! I'll help you find something for her." Sayaka walked out and locked her room door.

The two set off on their quest, heading to the mall near Hope's Peak.

"You're so sweet Makoto." Sayaka smiled as they walked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Makoto asked.

"It's not even a week until Christmas and you're already getting her a gift." She giggled.

"Well of course... it's our first Christmas together... it has to be perfect." Makoto said with determination.

They soon reached their desired destination.

"So... any ideas?" Makoto asked.

"Well as a girl, I think she might want something a little feminine. Like maybe a dress or..." Sayaka smirked and leaned into his ear. "Some dirty underwear~"

Makoto gasped as his face turned red. "Wh-what are you saying!?"

Sayaka laughed. "I'm only joking! But now you're thinking about The Ultimate Detective in sexy undergarments, right?"

"Th-That's-!" Makoto cut himself off, because it was, in fact, true.

Sayaka laughed more as two people approached them. Aoi Asahina and Sakura Ogami. Makoto looked at them and waved.

"Hey guys!" Hina said with a wide smile. "What brings you here?"

"Well uh..." Makoto started, but Sayaka cut him off.

"We're finding a gift for Kyoko." She said bluntly.

"Oh! How sweet!" Hina smiled.

"Christmas is just around the corner." Sakura said.

"How about a huge box of donuts?" Hina suggested.

"I don't think donuts are her thing..." Makoto sighed.

"What about a book about martial arts? To teach her how to defend herself." Sakura suggested.

"Or a hairclip maybe?"

"I'm sorry... but it needs to be perfect..." Makoto sighed.

Just then Makoto saw something out of the corner of his eye. He looked over at a small shelf that held a limited edition pocket sized notebook.

The notebook was brown with a textured diamond cover and back. Makoto walked up to it.

Sayaka and Hina looked at each other.

Sakura smiled. "It's simple and convenient. I think it's perfect for a detective."

"Yeah..." Makoto picked it up.

The group, now consisting of four people, left the mall with the notebook. The parted ways. Makoto went yo his room and wrapped up his gift.


A couple of days passed and the lovely couple of Naegiri was together. The two of them laid together on Makoto's bed. Kyoko had her back pressed to Makoto's chest as his arms were wrapped around her. This caused Makoto to have a soft blush. They were both in lazy clothes.

"Hey... Kyoko?" Makoto asked.

"Yes?" Kyoko looked up at him.

"Do you... want to... maybe... spend Christmas together?"

Kyoko's answer was immediate. "Yes." She sat up and looked at him, making him blush more. "What about your family?"

"I've already told them I'm going to stay here for Christmas." He said. "We could... spend the night together..."

"Makoto. I cannot be held responsible for what I would do to you if we were left alone for a night." Kyoko bluntly said with a serious tone.

Makoto blushed a bunch more. "Wh-what!?"


It was Christmas day. Makoto was extremely nervous. The two of them put up a small Christmas tree. Under it was two small gifts.

Kyoko knocked on Makoto's door. He immediately answered. Makoto ended up staring at her. She was wearing purple and white Santa style sweater and a purple candy cane-like skirt. And her signature gloves of course.

Kyoko smiled softly. "Are you going to let me in or keep staring?"

"Right! Sorry!" Makoto let her in.

Kyoko sat on his bed; Makoto sat next to her. Kyoko placed her hand on Makoto's. The two sat there quietly as they enjoyed each others company. Makoto's phone started to ring. He pulled it out to see that his family was video calling him.

He answered and they yelled: "Merry Christmas!!!" At the top of they're lungs.

Makoto smiled. "Tha-"

"Whoa! Is that the girl you told us about?" His mother asked.

"She's so pretty!" Komaru, his little sister, said with a grin.

"Looks like you've got yourself a keeper!" His father smiled.

"Well we'll leave you two to have fun!" They immediately hung up.

Makoto blinked. "Sorry about them..."

"No. They're alright." Kyoko looked at the tree. "How about we exchange gifts."

Makoto nodded and grabbed the gifts, handing hers to her.

"You can go first.." Makoto said nervously.

The wrapping paper had little penguins dressed in Santa hats on it. Kyoko tore the paper off of the small gift to reveal the notebook.

"I know it's not much... but I thought you could use it for notes and stuff like that." Makoto explained.

Kyoko smiled. "It's perfect. I love it."

Makoto blushed from her smile as he ripped apart the reindeer wrapping paper. It held a small box. With a little confusion Makoto opened the box to reveal a plant with white berries. He took out of the box and lookef at Kyoko in confusion.

Kyoko moved his hand so that the plant was above them and pressed her lips to Makoto's.

'Of course!' Makoto thought. A Mistletoe.

The two enjoyed a warm and passionate kiss; which lasted for quite a while.

Kyoko was the one to pull back. "Thank you."

"Of course... I love you." Makoto soon realized what he said and started to freak out. "I-"

Kyoko shushed him. "Makoto. I love you too."

The Lucky Student turned as red as ever, but a huge smile invaded his lips and would not go away. The two basked in each other's presence.

(Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's a long one!)

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