Fake Break up Letter (For american Gov class) 1/22/21

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Dear Aaron Salinas 

           As you may know we have been in a relationship for almost 5 years now, we have gotten into minor arguments and we don’t always see eye to eye. I have loved you since I first set my eyes upon you. This was the last straw!! As much as it pains me to say this it’s over between us, I just can’t take it anymore. You always have your nose up in your devices, you never actually pay me any attention , and you never wait for me when heading back to class. I’m the one who always pays for everything. I always pay for both of our dance tickets to go to dances, to go to movies, I’m the one to always ask you out on a date. I’m the one who confronted you and asked to be your girlfriend. I’m the one who is always spoiling you. I always get you a gift for your birthday, for Valentine’s Day, for Christmas, and for the anniversary of the day we first started dating. It’s supposed to be the other way around. You’re the one who is supposed to ask me out, you are the one who is supposed to pay for our tickets to go to dances, you are the one who is supposed to pay for us to go see a movie. I have never received anything from you. None of that really mattered to me. The thing that shattered my heart is when i saw you with another girl and kissed her right in front of me!!! I’m sorry but It’s over!! I never wanna see you again!!

             I wish our relationship had gone differently. I wish you’d pay attention to me instead of your devices. If you like your devices so much then why don’t you start dating your phone!? 

                 Here is a list of things I found wrong with the relationship.

We are both the same height (does not matter)

I’m the one who pays for every event or movie or date we want to go on together.

You never tell me when you go out of Georgia to visit your dad or for vacation and when you're going to be back, I always find out from my mom. I should be finding this stuff out from you not my parents.

You're more into your devices then me.

You always leave me instead of waiting when going to lunch or transitioning.

I’m the one who always gives you gifts for every occasion, but i don’t get anything back (I didn’t mind).

You’ve met both my parents, and I’ve met your mom, but you’ve never introduced me to your dad.

When you’re upset you always say things like “why is fate so cruel to me, i should just let my fate come to pass” without thinking how much it HURTS ME to hear you say that.

            To change our relationship I tried asking you ‘when you say you love me , do you really truly mean it full heartedly or do you just say that to not hurt my feelings’, you replied of course I do, why would you ask something like that!? I then said, “cause it seems like you love your devices more than you love me!” “You always have your nose stuck up in your devices, and you pay more attention to them than you do to me!” I truly believed you! Your response only made our relationship grow and me grow more love towards you, but put aside what you told me nothing really changed. You still had your nose stuck in your devices all the time, and you paid more attention to them than you did to me, but I didn’t really care because I knew you truly loved me full heartedly, that is until I saw you kissing another girl right in front of me!

                   What I saw you do was truly heartbreaking! Right at the very moment I saw your lips make contact with the lips of another girl I felt like a piece of my heart shattered and sunk into oblivion! I knew that I would never be the same again! You were my one true love! Sure I have been through other relationships in life, but none of them were like the one I had with you! The moment I met you I felt something spark inside me! I didn’t know what it was at that time cause I never felt anything like it before, and when I saw you and Elizabeth together I felt something flare up inside of me that felt similar to anger, but wasn’t. When I found out that Elizabeth broke up with you, I felt pity for you, and I couldn’t stand it seeing you come into class everyday so depressed! When I saw you and Lacy together and laughing together and having a good time, I felt that same feeling that I still didn’t know what it was that I felt when I first saw you and Elizabeth together. I couldn’t help, but envy Lacy. It was aggravating, so I went to go see the school counselor to talk about these feelings that I’m feeling and try to figure out what they are and what they mean. After my talk with the school counselor I found out what these feelings are, and what they mean. To say I was shocked was an understatement, and I was as red as a tomato! I found out that the feelings I was feeling were Jealousy, and I found out I was feeling jealous, because… well let’s just say apparently I had a crush on you! Now that I think about it, all the feelings I was feeling at that time (jealousy, pity, anger, sadness, envy, happiness   and love) all made sense! I was feeling jealous when I saw you with another girl. I was feeling angry and sad when I found out that you were dating another girl. I was feeling angry, sad, happy and pity when I found out that you were dumped by the person you loved. I was angry because you got hurt by the one you loved. I was sad because it broke my heart to see you come into class everyday all depressed. I felt pity towards you because I felt bad for you and didn’t like seeing you like that, but putting all those other feelings aside I also felt happy because I might have my chance if I could ever build up the courage to confess my feelings towards you! Then I witnessed you get dumped again this time by Lacy. The more times you get dumped the more stronger the feelings I feel when I find out and when you come into class so depressed everyday get. About almost a whole month of seeing you come into class depressed, I was fed up, I just couldn’t take it any longer, I couldn’t stand seeing you like that, so I left you a note telling you to come meet me outside on the gym field after the dismissal bell. After the dismissal bell had rang, I made my way out onto the outside gym field, and about 30 minutes later I saw you walking towards me. Things got awkward between us due to the long moment of silence, and then to break the silence we both tried to say something, and I saw a tint of a blush on your cheeks, and I could feel my own face starting to heat up. You then asked me what I wanted to talk to you about. I started to stutter, “u-uh w-well u-um… I-I j-just wanted to say that I know it’s hard for you g-getting dumped over and over again, and honestly I pity you!” Then you started crying and turned around to walk away, but I stopped you, and shouted, "Wait!!!" You turned back around to face me, and I started to speak again, “There is something else I want you to know!” “Like I said, I know it’s been hard for you, and I really do pity you, but I want you to forget about what happened in the past and focus on the present and pray for a happy and bright future!” “I really hate seeing you walk into class everyday so miserable and depressed, It breaks my heart seeing you like that!” At that point I was a complete wreck, I had a waterfall of tears streaming down my cheeks. “L-listen to what I’m a-about to tell you!” “I truly do care about you more than anything more than you know, not just as a friend, but more than that!!!” “I don’t care if you feel the same way, but I just want to let you know that, I L-love y-you!!!!" "I Love you with all my heart!!!" After I said that I could see your face turning more red than a tomato. We were in silence for a long moment, but then you broke the silence by saying, "I Love you to!!!" To say I was shocked was an understatement, I didn’t think you felt the same way! Then it was my turn to become more red than a tomato. I could hear your giggle, then I started giggling as well. Right at that moment you came up to me and kissed me!! That was my very first kiss, and I was extremely happy I got to spend it with the one I love the most!! 

           Just going down memory lane, remembering all those happy and emotional memories only brings me even more pain!! I thought you loved me, but apparently everything you told me about you loving me, and me being the most important person to you was all just a BIG FAT LIE!!!! It’s over! I just want to forget ever meeting you, ever loving you! I want to forget all the memories I have with you! You broke my heart! My heart has been shattered to pieces and sunk into oblivion! I feel like a piece of me is gone forever and will never return! I will never return to who I once was! Thanks to you I am no longer the Kaytlyn you once knew, and I doubt the old me will ever return! "Sayonara!!" Have a good life with your new 'Girlfriend!!!"

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