Thank you letter to Mrs. Hein (Dec 4th 2023)

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Dear Mrs. Hein,

The transition from homeschooling back into public schooling was not an easy change for me, because I was always alone during my classes due to them all being a technology system with digital teachers instead of real ones. It was depressing and lonely, but I got used to it. I think it was my experience with the "Time for Learning" homeschool program that resulted in me actually preferring to be alone now. I don't trust people easily anymore, and it's hard for me to communicate with others, but there is something about you that makes me feel safe and at home. Only one other teacher that I had previously could make me feel that way. You remind me so much of her, your warm smiles and greetings, your words of encouragement and even the overall vibe that you give off is what I find comfort in. I feel I can be myself. Thank you for being there for me.

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