Character Sketch! (Oct 15, 2020)

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Kyle is the one person in my family who annoys me the most, but no matter how much he annoys me I still love him all the way to infinity and beyond. Kyle turned 18 years old this past March, on March/22/2020. He stays in his room pretty much all the time, but when he does come out it's either to stuff his face or to get a "Death Wish" granted! He has scabs all over his arms, legs and his back, which is the result of his terrible habit of picking at his scabs. He also has acne all over his chest and neck. His eye color is brown, with the complete look of black/brown hair, while carrying the famous "Burke" belly that runs through the family. He can be silly and redicilous at times when he tries to sing or tell a joke. The most silly/redicilious moment that I have witnessed/heard was just recently when his synisis were acting up, he was snorting, sounding like a pig! He is also a kind and caring, but nerve-wreaking big brother.

Kyle has a couple hobbies, and two of them are two of my hobbies too. His hobbies are, playing video games, watching anime, laying around all day, and stuffing his face with food. The two hobbies we both share are, watching anime, and laying around all day. His hobbie of stuffing his face with food leads to his habit of eating like a pig. He is very extremely lazy which connects with his hobbie of laying around all day, and his habit of living like a pig! He's to lazy to clean his room, so his room is a complete pigsty! He's basically a real pig who thinks he's living in barn! He's game deprived which connects with his playing video games hobbie. He's extremely unorganized and stinky. He's irresponsible and he fidgets a lot due to him having tic's in turrets. One of his fears is losing all his electronics. That fear was revealed when he got all his devices taken away and didn't get them back for an entire year, I actually felt bad for him cause I've never seen him cry before until that day and i hated the site i was seeing, i guess cause we're so close I can feel the same as he feels.

Kyle "thinks" he's such a card, but the truth is he's very extremely ANNOYING, AGGRAVATING, and AGGITATING! He likes watching anime, eating, and playing video games. He also likes to annoy me and likes to mess with me which I do not like. He doesn't like taking showers, and he doesn't like to be annoyed himself, but yet he does it to me! He's scared of me when I'm angry or when I'm cranky which is a result to waking me up or annoying me!

On top of everything Kyle really is a great big brother who I love to infinity and beyond and all the way back!

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