Thank You letter to Natalie (Dec 5th 2023)

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Dear Natalie,

Thank you for listening. Thank you for always smiling. Thank you for caring and always asking if I am alright after I had been absent for a day or more. That small show of concern may not mean much to others, but it makes me happy to know that you care enough to ask. You are the only person I have ever known to actually ask about my wellbeing, and it makes me feel all warm inside to know that you care. However, my answer is not always true. I tell you I am fine and that it was just something insignificant, but that is not always true. I smile and laugh it off like nothings wrong, but that's a lie. I want to tell you everything. I want to tell you the truth. I want to tell you everything that's on my mind, and all my thoughts and feelings. I want to share my darkest secrets with you, but everyone has their own inner demons to deal with. These are my demons to deal with. I know you would be more than happy to help me fight my demons, but this is my battle to fight. I want to learn more about you, but am too afraid to ask, because I don't want to invade your personal life. Thank you for being like a sister to me. Thank you for helping me when I need it. Thank you for being my friend. Natalie Mcginn, you are the shining star in my night sky and I love you for being my light in the dark.

Sincerely, Kaytlyn.

Kaytlyn Burke's writing experiencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora