My Narrative Essay (Dec 7, 2020)

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This is My Narrative Essay. It is based on my past experiences of being bullied.

Have you ever been bullied?

How did it make you feel?

Did you do anything about it?

How did it change your perspective on life?

Hi, my name is Kaytlyn Burke, and I'm going to tell you about a time in my life that I myself has been bullied.

When I was in Elementary School I was bullied like every 5 minutes. It all started in 1st grade, being the new girl in school and that me and my family had just moved from Washington State to Georgia. On my first day of School, I was so shy and timid, I didn't even talk to anyone. When my teacher Mrs. Haney walked into the classroom holding my hand, she got the classes attention and said, "Good morning class, today we have a new student joining us!" I was hiding behind her legs scared, while gripping onto her pants for dear life. She said, "come on out sweetie, and introduce yourself!" I was trembling and shaking in fear even more after she said that, I then turned around grabbed a piece of chalk and wrote my name and where I moved here from on the board. It said, "My name is Kaytlyn Burke, and I moved here from Washington State." (I was taught how to read and write in kindergarten.) Then out of no where this boy named Peter yelled out, "Why is she writing on the board, can't she just tell us herself or is she just too scared!?" That's when I ran out crying. I sat in the hallway crying about how much I missed my friends and "ALEX." When I heard someone call me I looked up and it was my brother Kyle. He asked, "What's wrong sis, why are you sitting out here crying and not in class?" I started crying even more, blubbering, "I just wanna go home!" He responded saying, "Well school will be over in a couple of hours, then we'll be home." I responded back with my voice raised, "NO KYLE, THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEAN, I MEAN BACK HOME IN WASHINGTON!" I cried, "WHERE ALL MY FRIENDS AND ALEX ARE!" "Kyle, I miss them all, I miss "Him" so much, I just want to go home and be with them and be with "Him" again!" "Oh, Kaytlyn." He wispered gently. Kyle comforted me saying, "I know you miss Alex and your friends, I miss my friends too, but this is a new start for us, a chance for us to make new friends, so cheer up sis you'll see them again someday, and then you can tell them about how much you've grown up!" He really cheered me up. I thanked him, "Yeah thanks Kyle, I really needed that!" He replied, "Glad I could help, and remember I'll always be here for you when you need me, I'll see you at lunch bye!" We gave each other our hugs, and then went to our separate classes.

The lunch bell just rang for us to go to lunch. When I got to the lunch room, I saw Kyle waving his hand for me to come over and sit. When I sat down, there was a group of boys coming over to me acting all High and Mighty. It was Peter and his group of delinquent friends. They came over to me and said, "Hey new girl, Why don't you ever speak up and use your own words instead of writing on the board what your saying!?" Then he did something really unexpected, he SLAPPED me across the face and spilled my lunch on me yelling, "Say Something or Are You Just to Shrimpy to Speak!?" I just got up and ran away crying. At that point my brother had enough! Kyle stood up and yelled, "HEY WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM, YOU BETTER LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE OR YOU'LL HAVE "ME" TO ANSWER TOO!!!" He was Furious of what he just witnessed. Peter responded in a mocking tone, "What you going to do about it, "Hit Me!?" At that point Kyle was about to blow a fuse!" Kyle responded with venom in his voice, "I HAVE HAD IT WITH YOU, I DON'T CARE IF YOUR YOUNGER, SMALLER OR IS IN A SMALLER GRADE LEVEL THAN ME, WHAT YOU DID TO MY SISTER WAS UNEXCEPTIABLE, AND I WILL NOT LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT!!!!" *PUNCH* Kyle had punched Peter, and he was knocked unconscious. Everyone who had either witnessed or heard what happened began to fear him. Nobody dared to even be mean or tease or do anything to harm me again because they were to scared of what Kyle would do to them if he ever found out.

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