Journal Entry: "From the Bunker" (Dec 7, 2020)

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Instructions on what I was supposed to write about: Pretend that you are a Jewish person hiding in a bunker. Describe what your life is like and what your thoughts and feelings are. Use Present Tense. (8 to 10 sentences)

        “I’m so bored!” There is nothing to do in this stinky, filthy and cramped bunker! "AHHHHHHHH" "WHAT WAS THAT!?" "Shhhhhhh!" “Keep quiet, or they’ll find us” "It's only a bug!" "A BUG!?" "Mumph" "Shhhhhhh!" “Keep it down and calm down, it’s not going to hurt you, what’s going to hurt you and us are the Nazis if they find us!” “I’m sorry I just can’t help it, you know I’m scared of bugs, and I’m HUNGRY!” “I have cuts and bruises and tattered clothing, and there is no shower or a real toilet, the bucket is disgusting, there is no way I’m going to use that thing, plus there is no privacy in here at all, and all the blankets we had are invested with roaches!” "How can anyone survive like this!?" "I give up, just kill me now and get it over with!" “Don’t say that sis!” “We will all survive this, we just have to believe!” “I can’t believe Kyle, I just can’t, look in front of you, we’re in a hopeless situation, nobody can survive like this, we will all die one way or another, we either die here or we die by the hands of the Nazis we’re done for Kyle, Open your eyes this is reality!" “It’s all over, there is no way to survive, it’s impossible!” "No Kaytlyn, you can't give up, we will make it through this you just have to have hope!" "What don't you understand Kyle, it's hopeless!" “I don’t even believe there is such a thing as Hope anymore!”

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