3. An anomaly

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[Authors note: Iv been having a lot of fun writing this and I hope you like it as much as I do :)
Also look how round and adorable Tsukki looks in that picture 🥺🥺]

[Sunday afternoon]

You'd spent the day cleaning the house, thinking almost exclusively about the night prior.
'I made him blush! like... actually made him blush! and I said his name! I wonder what he'd do if I used his first name...'
Your face felt hot at the mere thought of him.
'Why do I feel like this when I think about him... that's so annoying!'
You finished cleaning and decided to get dressed, since you've had pajamas on all day. You tossed on jeans and an oversized tee shirt, walking out of your room you hear you moms voice.

"Oh y/n! good, you're done cleaning! could you run over to the Sakanoshita store and grab some ingredients for dinner?"
Your mom handed you a shopping list with a sweet smile.
"Yep, I'll head over right now."
"Thank you honey! and please tell
mr. Ukai that I said hello! he should be running the shop today."
"I will."
You walked out the front door and put your earbuds in. The market was about a mile away but you don't mind the walk, since it gave you time to relax and listen to music.

[time skip//20 minutes]

You'd been walking for a while without interruption, until you felt a light tap on your shoulder.
You turned around to see Tsukkishima.
"Oh, hey Tsukkishima!"
He blushed slightly hearing you say his name.
"Hey y/n, where are you headed?"
"Sakanoshita store! what about you?"
"Just going on a walk, do you mind if I join you?"
"Not at all." You smiled

You walked together and talked for a while and you started to notice a change in Tsukkishima. he didn't seem quite as stuck up, he looked more relaxed around you and wasn't quite as salty as before.
"Y'know tsukki, you're actually pretty easy to talk to. after getting to know you more."
Tsukki blushed hearing this...
"Y-yeah same for you."
You eventually reached the store. As you walked in you saw mr. Ukai.
About to greet him, you were cut off as Tsukki says  "hey coach."
"Coach?" You asked.
"Ukai is the coach of the volleyball club."
"Oh I didn't know that... anyways hey
mr. Ukai, my mom says hi."
"Y/n, Tsukkishima, good to see you! I didn't know you were friends."

'Friends...' you both thought.
You and Tsukki both glanced to each other, eyes widening as you met his. You quickly looked away in a clearly flustered manner which made Tsukki smile.
'Cute...' he thought.
After a short silence you spoke.
"Uh yeah, we actually met recently."
You started walking around the market, getting the items on the list your mom gave you. while Tsukki spoke with coach Ukai.
You finished buying the items and you and Tsukki left.
"Mind if I walk you home?"
"I'd love that... Kei " you looked up at Tsukki and smiled.
His cheeks went red and he looked down at the ground.
"I- I never said you could use my first name." He mumbled
"Well you didn't correct Ukai when he said we were friends, so I figured you wouldn't mind... Kei"
"I think I preferred the beanpole nickname..."

"Ah so I should go back to calling you beanpole?"

"Uh n-no."

'Why do I feel like this when she says my name... it's not like I have feelings for her or anything...'  Tsukki thought.
[time skip//walk home]

You reached your house, sort of sad that your time with Tsukki would come to an end. You turned to say goodbye to Tsukki as you heard your moms voice.
"Y/n! you're finally back!"
"Yeah, sorry I took a while huh?"
"Oh no need to be sorry! Who's this?" Your mom said looking at tsukki.
"Tsukkishima Kei, nice to meet you ma'am." Tsukki bowed while greeting your mother.

'Why is he being so respectful... this is new'

"Ah tsukkishima, you must be what's had y/n so lost in her thoughts lately, I had been wondering if she'd met a boy!"

Your eyes widened and your face burned hot.
"M-mom! No!"
"Oh dont be so embarrassed dear, when I met your father I was just as lost in my own mind!"
You were quick to bring your hands up and cover your face.
'Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck, he's never gonna let this go...'

"Tsukkishima if you aren't busy you should come inside, you can Stay for dinner if you'd like!"
"I'd love to but I have to get home soon, another time though, if you don't mind" tsukki smiled.
'He's smiling now?! It's like he's a different person'
"Ah I see, well Feel free to come visit anytime, I'm sure y/n would be happy to see you again!"
You shifted your gaze to Tsukki, noticing the sly smirk playing at his lips.

"Well I should get going now, goodbye ma'am tsukki bowed to your mother.
As he walked past you he quietly said...

"Seeya darling~"
[time skip//before bed]

'Darling~... darling~... darling~'
His voice echoed through your head, the image of his smile plastered in your mind.
'Get out of my head you dumb beanpole...'
You're phone started ringing, the sudden sound startling you.
You checked to see who was calling and you're heart started racing as you read the caller ID...

|beanpole ✨🙄|

So of course, you answered the call.

"Y/n?" He asked.

"Kei, hey... why are you calling so late?"

"Uhh... I don't really know... I guess I just wanted to hear your voice"

You fell silent And turned into a flustered mess, trying to gather your composure.

"Uhh... y/n... you still there?"

"Y-yeah sorry I'm here"

"I really do fluster you huh? Anyways I should go to sleep... goodnight y/n"

"Iv already told you I'm not flustered! And goodnight... kei"

You hung up the phone and smiled softly to yourself.
'Why did he call me just to hang up after less than a minute...? did he really just want to hear my voice...?
Kei Tsukkishima... what an anomaly...'
You fell asleep happily knowing
You'd see him at school the next day.

[end of chapter three]

[Authors note: thank you so much for reading chapter three of 'My Tutor ❤️' I really hope you enjoyed!
There's gonna be some conflict in the next chapter hehe]

Ode to the old us - Tsukkishima x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now