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First of all, BIDEN IS OFFICIALLY THE PRESIDENT!!! God it feels so good I'm overwhelmed 😭😭😭 And on top of that, we finally get to see Biden sitting at Oval Office desk! It's literally the sexiest thing I have ever seen! 🥵😩 Ok that's enough for now, back to the story 🙂

"Breaking News! Just a few hours ago we have received videos of the President, who seems to be out on a date."

Your face turned blue, body frozen and eyes glued to the screen. You couldn't breathe. You suddenly felt super cold as a uneasy feeling took over your body.

"It's hard to see with the lighting exactly who this mysterious woman is, but would you look her age! She could literally be the age of his daughter or even granddaughter!" the news anchor said in disgust. 

Your heart sank. No no no! This can't be happening you thought to yourself. Your relationship is ruined! Your whole life is ruined! They were judging your relationship based only on your age difference. Your heart was beating so fast you were afraid it might pop out of your chest.

"Well maybe she's related to him or she's a family friend and it's not like how it seems." another reporter said.

"Related to him?" the news anchor chuckled. "Trust me, you do not kiss someone like that whose related to you, unless that relationship is of a girlfriend friend or a wife." They zoomed in on a video of Joe kissing you, one hand behind your neck and the other on your ass.

"Wow, that's a long kiss."
"Ya that's definitely... not normal."
"So all those rumors were true. Joe Biden is a disgusting man." After his comment, everyone joined in on the insulting and trash talking.

"I know, what sick old man he is for trapping young girls like that."
"I can't believe this guy is our President!"

Your heart hurt, tears filled your eyes. You messed up everything for him. His whole career was ruined.

They had no right to say those things about him without knowing the full story. They didn't know how caring he was. He wasn't just screwing around with you for sexual pleasure. He loved you. And you loved him.

You felt furious. You wanted to punch them in the face.

You switched to another channel and the same news was on. They mocked you two, they made fun of Joe, called him a pervert, and indirectly called you a whore who was just looking for money.

You couldn't take it anymore. Those darn news reports! Who do they think they are to make assumptions and insult your Joe? You turned off the TV.

You paced back and forth panicking. The room was spinning. You didn't know what to do.

That's right! You should call Joe, you thought to yourself. He'll know what to do. And if he didn't, at least he'd comfort you. You wondered if he knew about this. Of course he didn't, he would have called you.

You picked up the phone to call him. It looked like your friend had ended the call since you didn't respond for so long.

You dialed his number and it went straight to voice message. This was not good. You were panicking even more now.

It must be on silent. He must have went to sleep. Or even worse, what if the people at the White House took it away from him, after they found out about the news? They must be so mad at him for sneaking behind their backs to meet you. Now you would never be able to meet him, or even call him! The negative thoughts kept piling up in your head. It was killing you.

You couldn't keep still. You were having a panic attack. Your whole body was shaking. You were hurt and filled with anger. But most of all you were afraid. Afraid about what would happen with your relationship now that everyone knew.

(Joe Biden x Reader/Smut) Making Love in the Oval OfficeWhere stories live. Discover now