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Dang I really made you guys wait for this one. But it is the second to last chapter and it's the longest chapter yet so ya.

Joe pulled himself out of you, his back still to the police officer.

You quickly took off your shirt, threw it over his face and moved towards the window to block the officer's view.

"Oh hey Mr. Officer!"

The officer looked a little flustered as he saw you in your bra. This definitely helped distract him.

"Hey none of these is allowed here! You wanna get fined?"

"I'm so sorry Officer, we didn't mean for you to see."

"Right..." The officer eyed your exposed body. You bit your lip trying to seduce him to change his mind. "I'll let you guys go this time, but if I see you two here again, you're not gonna get away so easily."

"Yes officer, we're leaving."

"Alright then, take it easy..... Joe."

You turned red. He knew it was Joe! Did he see him? Oh god!

"I... how did you-?"

"You were yelling his name so loudly I could hear it from a mile away."

"Oh.. ha" you blushed and let out a small nervous laugh.

Not until he completely left, you turned towards Joe and put on your shirt.

It wasn't fair. The last time you two were having sex, it was ruined. Neither of you even got to finish.

"What was that?" Joe said, looking a little angry.

"What was what?"

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"What was what?"

"With that officer. Don't think I didn't notice what you were doing."

You were confused at first but then you realized... Joe was jealous. You thought it wasn't possible to love this man more, but jealous Joe was so adorable and it definitely made you feel a certain kind of way.

"But why does it matter? We're not together anymore... right?" Your heart ached saying it out loud.

"I know... but I didn't like the way he looked at your body. It's just... it's hard seeing you with someone else besides me."

Joe looked at you with his soft eyes.

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(Joe Biden x Reader/Smut) Making Love in the Oval OfficeWhere stories live. Discover now