*Arthur's Final Remarks*

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This has nothing to do with the story. Just me rambling about things I had to say.

First of all, thank you so much for everyone who made it all the way through. I literally gained fans of this story who've been there since the beginning and supported me all the way through. Even if you commented once, messaged me about it, or just clicked on this story to read it, it means so much to me. Love you guys! 😭

I also made many Biden simp friends through this fanfic (shoutout to the group chat 🤪)

Honestly this was only supposed to be a two chapter short and smutty fanfic. But once my tiktok video mentioning this fanfic accidentally blew up, more people started to read this shenanigan. And for the first time someone told me they wanted more. And that's all it took. This story just kept getting longer and longer as my brain kept getting dumb ideas (and as my fantasies about Joe intensified 😏😅)

It's crazy how much this story, a Biden smut fanfic, had an effect on people. I did not expect it to get notice let alone people getting attached to it. I had people tell me it gave them something to look forward to. I had people tell me it helped them through rough times. Some people told me I inspired them to write. I don't want to get emotional and all but honestly that is one of the best feelings in the world.

And I am literally so excited to read all the new Joe fanfics out there!

Am I ever going to write more stories? I don't know to be honest. Even though writing this has been my single most favorite thing to do for the past month. It takes a long time and based on that, probably not. The most I can do is probably write one shots, nothing long like this.

Like why am I so obsessed with Senator Joe lately. And why am I getting one shot ideas about him while writing this. Ugh I hate myself sometimes 😩

But I will continue to post edits on my tiktok and Insta @daddy.joe.biden 🙃

Much love ❤️ Peace out my hoes for Joe 😙✌️

(Joe Biden x Reader/Smut) Making Love in the Oval OfficeWhere stories live. Discover now