Last Meeting

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I don't know why this took me so long. I changed the ending many times, maybe that's why. And I've been busy. But that won't matter no more. This is the last chapter 😢

I have a feeling your guys' expectations for the ending are way higher than whatever I wrote. So sorry in advance if I disappoint you 😭

"You have to be lying! It's simply not true! I am not pregnant!"

You were in denial, but the nurse looked at you seriously.

"Oh.. ma'am did you not know?"

"I-" you didn't know what to say.

You began panicking. You couldn't comprehend what you were hearing.

It can't be. It just can't be true! you constantly thought to yourself.

Joe's child was in you!

This news made you so mentally unstable, you immediately left the hospital and took an Uber home.

You couldn't keep still. You paced back and forth in your apartments. You felt even more sick than before because the thought of raising a child was making you lose your mind.

You weren't ready to raise a child. Not by yourself.

What would you tell it when it grows up and asks whose it's father? The fucking President!?

Just when you thought your life couldn't get any worse, you were proven wrong once again. Weren't you already punished enough? Weren't you already in enough pain? You didn't understand why this always happened to you.

No! You can't do this, you thought to yourself. You didn't have it in you. You had to get rid of this baby. You had to get an abortion as soon as possible or end up putting it up for adoption.

But Joe... what about Joe... he doesn't even know. What would he say? How would he react?

Not like he would ever come into your life again. So what did it matter if he knew?

Plus you didn't want to place more pressure on him and make him feel even more guilty about leaving you. He had enough to deal with already.

At this moment you should be focusing on packing up. Your flight was tonight and you hadn't even started.

You felt extreme impatience and uneasiness throughout your body. Your arms and legs barely functioning from all the stress thinking about what you were going to do.

While packing your clothes, you came across Joe's coat.

You felt a hole in your heart as you looked at it. You threw it in your briefcase with anger.

And then you broke down.

You laid in bed as an attempt to calm yourself down. You realized you were still wearing Joe's shirt and that just made you feel worse and even more broken.

If only you knew this was how it was going to end, you would have never started this relationship in the first place.

You placed a hand over your stomach. After several attempts of denying it, you knew it was the truth, even though you didn't feel any differently.

There was a little being inside of you. Joe's little being.

It was his last gift to you. You couldn't get rid of it. At least not without him even knowing about it.

He has the right to know. It's his baby as much as yours. You had to tell him somehow.

And maybe... just maybe... he would take you back if he knew. Not that you were going to force it on him.

(Joe Biden x Reader/Smut) Making Love in the Oval OfficeWhere stories live. Discover now