18| cool it

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Cool it, friends meet other friend's parents all the time.

Be polite and smile, first impressions are everything. The words of my mom play in my head. My mom always told me this when it came to meeting new people. I've always been a demure person growing up meeting people was always intimidating. 

My mom would scold me whenever I froze up in front of someone new. She told me I was being disrespectful so I learned how to suffer through my unease. Because a good reputation could be tainted easier than it was made.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. James," I smile and say softly and hold my hand out for her to take. Except when she takes my hand she draws me in for a hug. I try to relax into the hug and with wide eyes, I crane my neck to look up at Carter. He of course looks like he's trying to hold in a laugh. I return the hug and try to ignore the awkward mess that is me.

"Hi, Teagan! No need to make me feel old," She laughs before she continues. "Call me Della." She pulls away from the hug. Her voice has a faded southern drawl, It's weak but it's there. I nod and smile not knowing what to say in response. Though her kindness eases the jumbled thoughts in my racing head.

Carter senses my awkwardness and jumps in. "Teagan is my part-time study buddy. She helps me not fail psych."

"Right! When I heard Carter tell me he couldn't talk because he was in the library I thought that he'd taken drugs or something!" Della exclaims when I glance at Carter he's rolling his eyes. "I swear that there had to have been someone because he has never stepped foot in a library. At least from what I thought I knew." This time a laugh makes its way free from me.

"Really?" I arch an eyebrow at Carter and he feigns innocence on his face and shrugs.

"So anyways what are you studying Teagan?" Della asks with a genuine smile.

"I haven't declared yet but I'm leaning towards business." I manage to relax my churning stomach and wipe my clammy hands against my thighs discreetly.

When I first met Tate and Lena it never felt this nerve-racking. Then when I met Carter I felt nothing but at ease. I don't know why I'm more nervous than usual?

"Well, I'm sure you'll make a great business lady." She responds the warmth in her tone was something I was not used to. Mom told me it'll get me nowhere if I pursue this major. She always trying to urge me to take the same path my sister has taken.

"I saw you looking at this. What do you think?" Della changes the topic and walks over closer to the painting the click of her shoes echoing through the exhibit. I look up to Carter not knowing what to say and his smile just gets wider. Him well knowing that I don't have to expertise to answer her question.

"I don't know much about paintings I'm more into photography." I shrug. I dodge her question so I don't accidentally insult her with my potential amateur art self answer.

She asks me what got me into photography and we get into a conversation about dad. He constantly took photos of me and my siblings sometimes during the worst times. But, it always gave us something to look back at and laugh at. Even though I hated getting pictures taken when I was younger but I grew into taking them wherever we went.

"You should come over and have dinner with us! I'd love to get to know you better." She excitedly smiles at me. When I hesitate she continues. "We can look at Carter's baby pictures!" I can't help but laugh and Carter groans.

"Tempting, I'd really love too but, I can't," I reply solemnly. Damnit why didn't I schedule a flight for the next day?

"She's flying home tonight." Carter pipes in by my side now. I feel bad for having to say no but the flight is tonight.

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