Start of Sixth Year

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- A condition, state or delusion in which things appear more beautiful than they really are


Around her Lynnea watched students rushing inside of the entrance hall, trying desperately to not get soaked from the pouring rain, none of them succeeded, however. She had already given up herself, she was as soaked through as anyone could be. Her robes heavy and dragging around her feet. At least the melancholic weather copied how she was still feeling, looking to the sky she was met with grey on grey while the rain heavily hit the skin on her face. 

Lynnea was one of the last people who entered the castle, the other students were pouring into the great hall. To the side, she saw McGonagall scolding Peeves who was holding a couple of water balloons. She smiled at the mischievous ghost as she used a drying spell on herself. Peeves gave her a small wave making McGonagall look at her and in turn giving him a chance to fly off. Lynnea chuckled to herself while going into the great hall and sitting down between Owen and Roger at the Ravenclaw table.

"Who do you guys think'll be our new DADA teacher? The chair is still empty," She asked while using her head to gesture towards the teachers' table after the sorting was finished.

"Can't be a good one if he's late to the welcoming feast," Owen said and Roger gave him a confused look.

"It's the opposite, must be fun if he's late on the first day!" Roger exclaimed while scooping his plate full of potatoes.

"You guys want to see something cool?" said Lynnea with a glint in her eyes.

"Gonna hex someone already, Ilves?" Nova asked her with a grin.

"No, no, well not just yet. I got some of the tattoos I was talking about," She pulled up her sleeves and showed her friends the wand on the right one and the quaffle, bludger and beater bat on the left one.

"Got some other ones too, but I'll show those back at the common room."

"Lynn, those look so cool! I wish my parents would allow me to get some. Won't even let me get a piercing," Nova sourly said. She had wanted an ear piercing for well over a year now.

"Just get it somewhere they won't see, easy enough," She laughed at her friend. They were soon quieted as Dumbledore stood up to speak.

"... Unfortunately the inter-house quidditch cup will not be taking place at Hogwarts this year because of an event starting in October and continuing until the end of the school year." Roger dropped his fork as everyone started talking and mumbling to each other.

"Can't believe the stupid tournament is cancelling quidditch," She angrily muttered under her breath causing Owen to nudge her side and send her a smile.

The voices all stopped when the large doors flew open and a man walked in. If you could even call him a man, he had a wooden leg that was creating loud clunks as he walked across the floor. He took off his hood and revealed his face.

It looked to have been created by a wood carving student that barely knew how a human face was supposed to look. All of the skin on his face looked to be scars, a large chunk of his nose was missing but his eyes were the worst, well one of them. The one staring directly at her now. It had been rolling around freely in its socket, blue like a gas flame and the size of a large coin.

When the man saw her looking he gave her a malicious smile, causing shivers to run down her spine as her movement froze. She turned her gaze to the Gryffindor table and caught Harry's eyes. He had seen the way the man was looking at her. Harry sent her a questioning confused expression as he mouthed the words; 'what was that'. Lynnea looked just as confused back at him and shrugged, it was strange but she had no idea.

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