Study group

836 29 12


- A tiny, brilliant flash or spark; a small thing; a barely visible trace


On Monday in transfiguration, McGonagall pulled her aside. Lynnea was slightly terrified at first fearing she had found out she was the one messing with her clothes. Instead, McGonagall just smiled at her.

"So Miss Ilves, I'm not sure if you are aware but Mr Weasley, Mr Weasley and Mr Davies are on the edge of failing this class. Now I'm not telling you this so you can make fun of them-" the old woman's said, she was interrupted a bit as Lynnea said;

"I couldn't even dream of making fun of them," she said in a fake hurt way, McGonagall tried to hide her smile.

"I was wondering if you would mind tutoring them if I were to make a study group?"

"Yes of course I would, I'd love to. As long as I have room for quidditch"

"Thank you for your help, Miss Ilves, I'll let the others know" McGonagall smiled at the girl as she took her seat. They were finally practising turning hedgehogs into pincushions practically now. It was all very easy and very boring to Lynnea. She tried to look like it was not, she still did not want everyone to know of her abilities.

She was back on her seat beside Fred. He was whispering something to George. They both started sniggering. She immediately noticed what it was, Fred was holding a couple of stink pellets in his hand. She smiled a bit, did they really think they could get her with something like that. Fred was already trying to set them off secretly beneath her chair.

She already knew exactly what she was gonna do to get him back immediately. She slowly leaned towards him which caught his eye and effectively made him stop. She put her hand on his thigh and slowly moved it upwards. She now had his full attention, if she waited long enough the stink pellets would go off in his own hands. She looked at his lips which caused his eyes to widen. Instead of doing what he wanted her to and kiss him, she instead whispered in her ear with her most seductive voice.


He started laughing immediately, desperately trying to stay seated on his chair

"Hey Georgie, you might want to move away a bit" she gestured towards the stink pellets that were now on the ground right in front of Fred. He tried to move away but he could not stop laughing long enough to be able to move. Then the smell started coming. It was like rotten eggs mixed with dog food.

Lynnea used the bubble-head charm on herself while the other students started running out of the classroom because of the smell. She stayed behind though, someone had to make sure Fred would not die of laughter, even if that would for sure be how he wanted to go.

"Soo Fredster, can we agree that you won't prank me anymore and in return, I won't hex you again. Seems fair yeah?" She asked him, he kept laughing but his nose was scrunched because of the smell. He slowly tried nodding which was good enough for her.

She put the bubble-head charm on him and then lifted the hex. She helped him stand up with a smile on her face. Using the bubble-head charm on the stink pellets as well she floated them out of the open window and sent them on their way. It was now Fred's turn to lean over.

"You're playing a dangerous game Ilves" giving him an innocent smile she looked into his eyes.

"It's not a game if I'm already winning" she then strutted out of the classroom, she knew Fred would be staring at her.

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