The Yule Ball

613 26 19

- The perfect, delicate, crucial moment; the fleeting rightness of time and place that creates the opportune atmosphere for action, words or movement 


A multitude of couples was already standing around the entrance hall. Owen and Roger were both standing next to Fleur and her friends, they were at least being nice enough to speak English. Roger was too busy staring at Fleur to actually engage in any part of the conversation, for once Owen was speaking more than him. 

George had Cleo by his side, an arm wrapped tightly around her waist and both of them with beaming faces while they spoke with someone Lynnea could not see just yet because of the crowd of people.

Maybe Lynnea did not have Veela powers but with the way several of the guys were staring at her, it seemed like it, open-mouthed with eyes following her as she passed them. 

"Looks like you're getting the reaction you wanted," Cedric leaned down to whisper in her ear with a wide grin on his face, he looked proud of having her by his side and she was feeling the same. 

Both of them were getting jealous glances from the other girls and boys in the hall. Lynnea had not really thought about it but her and Cedric had been quite the power-couple had they not? She usually did not care much for attention but damn did it feel good to have it on her right now.

Lynnea clutched his arm tight and smiled up at him as he began leading her over towards George and Cleo since Morgan was nowhere to be seen yet and Nova were moving towards Monica and her date.

The crowd had shifted slightly and the couple George and Cleo were speaking to now came into view. Fred was standing carelessly with Angelina clinging to his side which he honestly looked quite bothered by or maybe that was wishful thinking, he looked great in his suit though, amazing really. 

"Hello," Cedric cheerfully greeted everyone, making George and Fred turn away from their heated discussion to look at them. Fred's eyes widened and his mouth started gaping as he watched Lynnea's every movement, just for good measure her eyes were locked to Cedric for a bit longer than they had to before looking at him, hoping that it would make him jealous.

"Heya Georgie, Frederick" Lynnea said, his reaction was not as dramatic as she had hoped for but he certainly got the point across. Fred did not seem to notice her tone as his gaze kept roaming her body, lingering on her face each time he reached it. 

"You look great, Cleo and you do too, Angelina," Lynnea smiled, trying to sound as sincere as possible. Angelina's expression was somewhat unreadable but she definitely looked bothered.

"You too, Lynn and Ced you look like shit," Cleo laughed as McGonagall came over to pull them towards the entrance doors to The Great Hall. Since Cedric was a champion they would be the first ones to enter along with the other Champions. 

Lynnea's smirk was impossible to wipe off of her face, it was nice to be here with Cedric and she had immensely enjoyed both the reaction Fred and Angelina had to her, it only made her confidence rise. 

The champions and their partners all filled into The Great Hall which was beautifully decorated, the prefects and Head Persons had done a great job. It was decorated with every kind of winter thing you could imagine, a pale blue light falling over everything.

From the sky-like ceiling, large snowflakes were dancing downwards through the air before melting as they reached the height of the stone pillars and fully disappearing. Icicles were hanging from the large beams and the few candles that were present was lit with a blue-white flame. 

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