chapter 4

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After she had finished all of her lessons, Maggie headed to the Great Hall for dinner.

After swiftly consuming her food, she went to the library to kill sometime before she went to meet with Lily.

She browsed the shelves, and after much deliberation she chose to re-read one of her favourites.

She sat down at a table in the library, flying through the book, page after page.

After an hour or so, Maggie placed the book back on the shelf, and left the library to head to the Gryffindor common room.

There was a part of her that was slightly disappointed that Sirius hadn't surprised her today, but she wasn't sure why.

Maybe because he was the only person she really talked to?

She had also hoped to give him back his copy of his book he had let her borrow, but that would just have to wait.

After making her way from the library, Maggie finally reached the Gryffindor common room.

She turned around the check the time on the big clock behind her.

Yep. It was exactly five o'clock. She was right on time.

She wasn't sure whether to knock, or maybe she should just wait, and Lily would come out and get her.

After a few minutes of standing awkwardly, Maggie hesitantly reached out her hand and gently knocked on the door.

At first, no one answered, but just as Maggie went to knock a second time, the door flung open.

Standing there was Sirius.

"Mags? What are you doing here?" He asked.

Maggie's cheeks flushed bright red at the nickname.

No one had ever called her Mags before.

"I-I'm here to see Li-"

"Did you like the book?" He asked, as he lent against the door frame, arms folded, interrupting her yet again.

"Oh, yeah" Maggie said, as she reached into her bag and presented his copy of Alice. "I loved it."

"Told you so" he replied smugly, with a smirk drawn across his face, as he took the book from her hands.

"So, why are you he-"


A voice came from the other end of the common room, but became clearer as Lily rushed forward to the door.

"So sorry I'm late, here come with me." Lily said, grabbing the girls wrist, and pulling her towards a table in the corner of the common room. Maggie turned around to see if Sirius was still there, but it seemed he had left the common room, the door shut behind him.

Maggie was guided through the room at Lily's grasp, and eventually was seated in a chair beside the red-head.

"So sorry about that! Hope Sirius wasn't bothering you too much."

Maggie laughed under her breath, but didn't say anything.

The girls sped through their homework, and before they new it, they were done.

Maggie began to stuff her books into her bag, and placed it on her shoulder to leave.

"Wait, Maggie you should stay" Lily offered.

Maggie stood there anxiously.

"Y-you want me to stay?" She stuttered

"I mean yeah, why not?" Lily shrugged.

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