chapter 6

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As soon as Maggie reached her dorm she began to cry, tears streaming down her face.

She had finally found some people, nice people, who she got on well with, and actually liked, and because of some stupid prejudice her father held, she had to abandon them.

These people had only been in her life for 2 months, and yet it was as if they were always meant to be friends, as if there was some invisible string that pulled their destinies together.

She couldn't believe, that just like that, she had broken the string.

She cried herself to sleep that night, her heart aching from the loss of her friends, her tears staining her pillow as she drifted off into a miserable slumber.

The next day Sirius tried to approach her multiple times, but before he got the chance, Maggie would turn and run the other way.

Breaking off her friendship with Sirius had been the hardest for her, seeing as he was the person she spent most of her time with.

In their shared lessons he would try to get her attention, but she would simply ignore him and continue writing down notes.

At dinner she could feel his eyes on her from the Gryffindor table, so she wolfed down her food as quickly as she could, giving her self indigestion, before leaving the Great Hall, and making her way to the her dorm, wanting to avoid any confrontation whatsoever.

It continued like this for two weeks.

Eventually Sirius gave up trying to question her.

Although she was glad she would no longer have to feel guilty every time she ran away from him, a part of her ached.

It was as if he no longer cared.

Maggie cursed herself for feeling like this. She knew she couldn't blame him, she had ignored him for the past two weeks with absolutely no explanation, she deserved it.

It was nearing Christmas, and Maggie was dreading her return home.

Although she knew by selfishly ignoring everyone she would have been off the hook for the worst, she was still bound to be punished for even associating herself with them in the first place.

She became more agitated as the break neared. She sometimes even found herself struggling to concentrate reading, that was a first.

She had been trying to cram in as many books as she could before she had to confine her reading sessions to night time only at home, and so, on the last night of term, she found herself sitting in the library reading.

After a finishing her final book, Maggie turned to look out the window, only to realise it was completely dark outside. She grabbed her stack of books, placing them into her bag, and left the library.

As she was walking down the almost empty corridors, Maggie suddenly felt an hand grab onto her, and pull her into a nearby corridor.

She turned to look at the person who had dragged her there, but when she looked up she realised she was looking into his eyes.

His grey eyes.

It was Sirius.

"W-what are you doing" she whispered in a petulant tone.

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