chapter 21

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She stared at the closed letter in her hands.

The intricate black seal ever so delicately concealing the words of hatred and shame awaiting inside.

She couldn't open it.

Not here.

"Who's the letter from Mags?" She heard James ask from across the table.

"I'm not sure" she lied, beginning to anxiously pass the letter between her fingers.

"Open it then" Peter added

"I-I can't" she stammered.

"We'll open it for you then" James smiled, reaching for it across the table. But before he could Maggie rapidly stood up, stumbling slightly.

"Don't touch it!" She shouted, panting slightly from the quick excursion.

The boys and a few of the surrounding people stared too look at her, their faces bearing slightly panicked expressions. I mean- they would. She was freaking out over a letter- a stupid letter- that's all it was to them. They didn't know what the letter meant- how could they.

"I'm sorry Maggie- I didn't realise it was so.. important" James apologised.

"It's- it's fine, I just-" she panted, her heart racing faster at the thought of the letter and all of the unwanted attention she was drawing too herself, "- I just have to go".

Maggie began running out of the hall ignoring the boys worried calls behind her.

Minutes later she found herself curled up in a cubicle in the abandoned girls toilets, still staring inevitably at the letter.

'Better get it over and done with' she thought to herself, and so she began to peel the wax strip, opening the letter.


I thought I had made myself perfectly clear over your visit at Christmas of who you are and aren't prohibited to see, but it has come to my attention that you are still communicating with a group of dirty blooded muggles.

I thought we had made an agreement? Had we not.

Margret. You need to understand what things like this will do to my reputation- to your family's reputation.

Perhaps a more severe punishment will be sufficient enough to allow your brain too realise the damage that you are putting on yourself.

I will have you know that you are to be engaged to be married to Alex Avery- but after learning of your recent behaviour- his parents are reconsidering the arrangement.

You will not ruin this for us Margret.

The Green name will not be lowered because of your ludicrous and reckless actions.

If you do not cut ties with those disgusting muggles- there will be consequences.


Maggie sat for a second, re-reading the letter, before raising her wand and pointing it towards the parchment.

"Incendio" she whispered as she watched the letters curl under the orange flame.

She could just ignore them. Couldn't she?

But- how long could she keep up this charade, because soon enough she would have too return back home- she couldn't just put the thought off forever.

Suddenly she heard the door too the toilets creek open. She raised her feet onto the seat and hugged her legs- hoping not to be noticed.

"Maggie?" A familiar voice called out- slightly apprehensively.


"Maggie it's me, I-I just wanted too see if you were.. okay?"

She stayed silent. She couldn't talk to anyone about this, let alone Lily.

"Look- I know we're on shitty terms right now- but I know you and somethings up- I just want to talk"

Maggie sighed slightly. She had missed this.

There was an understanding, an empathy that Maggie had had with Lily, one that she just didn't have with the boys- well- it just wasn't quite the same.

She curled up her fists and began to debate whether too talk to Lily or not- could she face her after the awkwardness?

She had too.

She slowly stood up off of the toilet seat and unlocked the cubicle door, standing face too face with Lily.

Lily shifted a bit- as if she hadn't expected Maggie too come out at all.

"Hey" Maggie said.

"Hey Mags" Lily said- smiling slightly. And the tone in her voice was warm- welcoming. It felt as though she had just opened a door- one that had been opened before- but had been closed for a long time.

And there was a silent communication. In their eyes.


And then Maggie broke. Right there, crumbling onto the toilet floor. And Lily just held her. Cradled her as she sobbed, and stroked her hair, and wiped away the pooling tears for what felt like hours.

"Lily I need too talk too you" Maggie said, sitting up too face her.

Lily nodded. She could tell there was something she needed too get off of her chest.

And she told her everything. Everything. And they both cried. Sitting on the floor of the girls loos.

And Maggie felt as though a though her chains had been ripped off, as though she had sprouted a pair of wings right then and there.

And despite the pain in her gut- the prospect of the unknown- there was a feeling of... okay?

Was that a feeling? 'okay' she wasn't sure- but she felt it.

She was free. The secret was out, and she had Lily back.

And it felt good.

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