chapter 12

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Seeing as she had been going to bed so early recently, Maggie had found herself waking up at the crack of dawn almost every morning.

She would sit on the windowsill in the common room, in her shaggy, cream woollen cardigan, watching the spectrum of purples and pinks and oranges rise with the sun.

It was a nice distraction from everything.

This morning was no different. She was curled up against the glass of the window admiring the beautiful colours in a peaceful silence.

It was about a month into the term now, and Marlene had finally stopped glaring daggers into Maggie's back, and so had the marauders. It was making it easier to forget.

After the sun had fully risen, Maggie made her way back up too her dorm.

She messily plaited her hair, got dressed into her uniform, and then over-powdered her face so as to cover the black bruise, still residing on her cheek.

It was healing, and it certainly looked better than it had over the Christmas holidays, but it was still very prominent on her face.

After getting ready, Maggie made her way down to the Great hall for breakfast, book in hand.

Now that her mind wasn't so distracted, she had managed to get back into reading, and so therefore was back into the routine of carrying a book with her everywhere she went.

The great hall was reasonably quiet considering how early it was. Maggie sat down at the practically empty Ravenclaw table, and spread some marmalade on her already buttered toast.

As she ate, she read, lost in her world.

After finishing her toast, she stood up to leave, figuring she could go to the library for an hour before lessons started, but as she did, she found her attention being drawn over to the group of Slytherin boys, all sneering over at her with smirks and sniggers.

Of all the boys, two stood out very obviously to Maggie.

Avery and Muliciber.

She hadn't spoken to either of them since that strange night in the corridor. She had tried not to think about it.

Suddenly Avery was up, and seemed to be making his way over to where Maggie was standing. Panicked, and dreadfully not wanting to converse with the boy, Maggie quickly turned around and rushed away to the library, where she felt safer in discovering that he hadn't followed her.

Why did he even want to talk to her?

Shaking her head of all thoughts Avery related, Maggie sat down in her favourite spot and proceeded to read.

Her lessons went by like clockwork, boring and dull as usual, and Maggie was now sat at the dinner table, reading as she ate her Shepard's pie.

She had been glad that over Christmas a few new additions had been added to the fiction section of the library, it kept her entertained and took her mind off- other things.

After finishing her chapter, Maggie closed her book, and actually started eating, she had become so distracted in her book, she hadn't really touched it.

She briefly glanced over at the Gryffindor table. She often did this, just to make sure that they were okay. Although, this time, she noticed that Remus looked rather awful, not in that way, he just looked really- sick?

She wasn't sure what was wrong with him, but it didn't look good, and she was glad to see that the marauders must have noticed too, as they stood up and escorted him to what she could only pressume to be the hospital wing.

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