chapter 22

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Maggie had finally managed too stop crying.

The two had skipped their lessons- Lily comforting Maggie in her dorm all day.

The girl now lay asleep in the Gryffindor common room, curled up on the ribbed maroon sofa- her head in Lily's lap.

The fire burned on as Lily did her homework, books leaning on the arm of the sofa. People were starting too usher back in from afternoon lessons, but Maggie remained asleep, despite the growing noise.

Lily wasn't one too skip lessons. She was a very academic student and was extremely serious about school, but there were exceptions. And Maggie was one of them.

Suddenly Lily felt a nudge on the shoulder, and as she turned round too her left her eyes met with the likes of a grumpy looking blonde.

Lily sighed and fell back too her work, ignoring the death stare she was receiving.

"Alright Marlene?" The red-head said, eyes still fixated on her charms sheet.

"What's she doing here" Marlene asked- an obvious distain in her voice.

"Marls-" Lily sighed, turning too look at the girl.

"No Lily- you know what she did, how she hurt you" Marlene reasoned.

"I know but she's explained it all, it's fine, and she's in a bad place right now, she needs me"

"Well then where was she when you were in a shit place, a shit place which she just happened too put you in, where was she when you needed her? Huh? You can't just forgive her like that Lils" Marlene spat.

"Marlene I know, but I've forgiven her, okay, it was my choice, not yours, so please just be nice too her okay, she's my friend now" Lily attempted to calm the feisty blonde.

"Not bloody likely" Marlene scoffed, getting up from the chair she was sitting on and heading up the stairs too her dorm.

"I'll see you at dinner" Lily called.


Not long after Marlene had left, the boys came in, seemingly agitated, and absentmindedly ignoring the red-head, and more so the sleeping girl in her lap.

They sat themselves in the plush chairs on the other side of the girls- their backs to the fire.

"Where the hell could she be prongs, we've looked for her fucking everywhere!" Sirius groaned.

"Maybe she's in her dorm, not feeling well or something" Peter added.

"How are we supposed to know though Pete, it's not like we can go storming into the Ravenclaw common room" Sirius replied, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Maybe you could ask one of your girlfriends, I'm sure they'd check for you" Peter replied, mimicking Sirius' frustrated tone.

Sirius simply gave Peter the finger- making Remus and James snicker slightly.

Lily rolled her eyes and coughed under her breath, trying to get their attention, the boys all immediately turning round to face her.

"Oh- hey Lils" James said- running his hands through his hair- making sure it was the perfect amount of messy.

"If your looking for Maggie, she's here" Lily said- still not taking her eyes off of her work.

The boys exchanged worried glances- Maggie wasn't there, what the fuck was Lily on about?

"Sure that red hair hasn't given you brain damage Evans" Sirius joked.

"Oi" James said defensively.

"I'm sure" Lily said rolling her eyes and continuing writing down notes.

After a few more moments of silence and confused glances, Lily turned too the boys and sighed.

"She's asleep" she said as if it were obvious, simultaneously gesturing down too her lap.

The boys got up and moved too sit in the chairs surrounding Lily and Maggie, their faces broken out into a mixture of shock, relief and confusion.

"Oh- Lily, you and Maggie, but- I-I thought that.." James stuttered, trying to hide the obvious blush erupting in his cheeks.

"Calm down Potter, and it's fine- we're fine, but Maggie's asleep so will you lot shut up" Lily spat.

"Of course Lils- but, is she- I mean she seemed upset at breakfast" Remus said, lowering his voice slightly in fear of Lily's infamous wrath.

"She's- she's fine it was just... nothing- she's fine, it was just- girl stuff" Lily said- trying to act casual, returning too her work- trying too look busy and change the subject topic.

"Oh" Peter said- his face dropping in embarrassment.

"Oh Wormy calm down- it's girl stuff, not a boggart." Sirius joked.

"Oi Pads, Pete has every right too be scared, girl stuff can be really bad- and painful too- right Lils?" James said, trying his hardest to impress the redhead.

Lily simply gave him a hard stare from across the room, before once again rolling her eyes.

"Hey Remus can you help me with this charms question" Lily asked.

"I-I can help you Evans- I'm really good at charms you know" James smirked.

"I'm fine thanks Potter" Lily said through gritted teeth.

As Remus crossed the room to help Lily, Maggie began too stir slightly on the sofa.

"Shit" Lily said, "Well done Potter you've only gone and woken her up".

"Hey! I didn't-" James pleaded before being hushed by Lily.

But it was too late. Maggie sleeply began too pull herself up into a sitting position.

Sirius rushed down by her side at the sofa.

"Are you okay Mags, we got worried when you didn't show up in any lessons?" Sirius asked- concern ridden within his voice.

"I'm fine Black, no need too worry" She laughed slightly.

"Okay good" Sirius smiled, stroking her hand comfortingly, "Anyways we ought too go down to dinner, wanna come with us?".

Maggie looked over at Lily and then back at Sirius.

"Sure, let's go".

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