chapter 24

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3 weeks had passed since the first letter, and since then Maggie had received more letters- infact she had received a letter every single day.

She didn't even bother read them anymore. Once she saw the handwriting, confirming the sender was her father, she would simply burn the letter when she got back to her dorm- reading it wasn't worth her time.

She told the boys that it was just her parents checking in- that they were overprotective, and worried about her.

"They just get nervous sometimes, like to make sure I'm okay that's all".

And she was okay, relatively.

She was doing well in school, she was spending more time with Lily, even Marlene was beginning to warm up too her.

Maggie recalled making Marlene laugh at a joke in the Gryffindor common room only days before.

When Marlene realised that she had broken her cold act she had quickly dropped her face and looked away.

"Just because I laughed at your joke doesn't mean I like you Green" she had said.

But Maggie could see the faintest trace of a smile lurking on her face.

She was sitting with the boys at breakfast, and they were discussing the upcoming evening. It was a full moon.

Remus claimed he was fine- but Maggie could see his paling face, his withering frame.

He was clearly in pain, and there was nothing she could do about it.

"Me and the boys could wait up for you in the common room if you want, and come and meet you in the hospital wing first thing?" Maggie suggested.

She felt helpless, it was the least they could do.

A few awkward glances were exchanged between the boys.

"Actually- I-I can't, I've got homework" Sirius lied.

"M-me too" Peter added.

"Yeah and I've got quidditch tomorrow morning so- probably should get an early night" James said, awkwardly scratching his head, attempting to make himself look busy.

"Oh-okay" Maggie said, disappointedly.

She had expected more from them. Moony was their best friend after all.

She almost wanted to have a go at them, but she didn't want to start an argument, not there.

After breakfast, she headed too potions, where she had now regained her seat at the front of the classroom, with Lily and Marlene

After potions was Transfiguration, followed by charms.

The lessons were dull, but now that she was friends with Lily again, her shared classes didn't seem so bad.

After charms Maggie had a free period, unlike others, she had finished her lessons for the day.

She waved goodbye too the girls, Lily waving back, and Marlene sending a half-arsed smile her way.

It was an improvement.

The library was pretty empty- it usually was- especially during school hours.

Most people spent their free periods in their dorms or common rooms- but Maggie just couldn't help herself. The library was so picturesque and peaceful. It was freeing.

She sat down in her spot, leaning against the window- back too the rest of the library, and began too read.

She was currently reading the bell jar by Sylvia Plath.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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