chapter 5

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A few weeks had passed, and she had become much closer with Lily and the boys.

She found herself, Remus and Lily discussing homework constantly, and the three would often revise together.

She and Peter played chess together in the Gryffindor common room, and he found himself being beaten for the first time in what seemed like forever.

"Merlin, you're good!" He had said, causing Maggie to shyly let out an amused huff under her breath.

Her and James got on well, and he would often corner her for advice on how to win Lily over.

But Sirius.

She got on with Sirius the best.

He and Maggie would talk for hours, about literature, school, the world.. She had told him that she was also really into poetry, at which he laughed.

According to him, poetry was what he described as 'a crime against humanity'.

She grew fond of them all, and was surprised at how much she was actually enjoying the company of others.

Maybe it wasn't that she hated people, maybe it was just that she had never known anyone worth liking.

She was really happy. All was well.

But then the letter came.

She had been eating breakfast at the Ravenclaw table, reading, when suddenly noticed all of the owls delivering mail.

But one specific owl caught her eye.

It was her family owl, and considering Lizzie left school 3 years ago, that letter, was almost certainly for her, and that meant bad news.

Her parents didn't bother writing to her, unless to discipline, or too express their disappointment in her.

She apprehensively caught the letter that was dropped as it came tumbling down towards the table in front of her.

She slowly, but carefully opened the it, dreading the abundance of hateful words she would find inside.

She could tell from the hand writing that the letter was from her father.

She held her breath as she read.

Margret Jane Green,

It has been brought to my attention that you have been conversing with blood traitors and mudbloods.

Maggie shuddered at his use of the words.

I am OUTRAGED that you could even associate with those disgusting creatures without being filled with the slightest bit of guilt, or even considering the disgrace and shame you would bring to your family!

You will never talk to them again!

Do you hear me?!

I have eyes everywhere, I will know if you are tarnishing the family name.

At that Maggie glanced over to the Slytherin table where Avery and Mulciber were smirking at her cunningly. Of course it was them who had told her father. Their families had been close with her family for a while now, meaning her father had no doubt enlisted them to spy on her. They were like his little minions.

And must I remind you what punishment will await you if this nonsense continues?

Maggie shivered at the thought.

If only you could act more like Elizabeth, she understands how to respect and honour her family name, you ought to learn something from her.

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