❝ I have survived so many fires I can no longer tell if I am alive or if I'm still burning. ❞
In which the six most powerful mafia families must live together for a year.
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Victoria Hunt
My legs were crossed as I sat on the bed, watching Rael struggle to do his tie while he kept huffing and puffing. Amusement danced in my eyes and Hallie and Hadley had both appeared at the door, mirroring my expression.
"I give up. Who even made this shit, why can't we have the ones that just clip on." He folded his arms angrily and turned back to me. The tie looked like it had been through many struggles so I decided to help them both.
"Wouldn't be the most prestigious school in New York if it had clip on ties would it. Next thing you know we'll be eating out of cardboard boxes." We all looked at Hadley with dumbfounded expressions and Hallie grabbed her hand, dragging her down the hallway.
"See you in the car Vic." The twins called back to me and I smiled just as I finished making the tie perfect.
"What. The fuck. Is this?" Asrael questioned, glancing down at the tie which was twisted in five different directions, looking weird, "Do you even know how to do ties?" He asked.
"Nope." I shook my head with a bright smile.
"Who did yours then?" He continued, pulling at the tie to loosen it even though it seemed as if he was trying to choke himself.
"Hallie." I replied and he finally sorted the tie out so it wasn't choking him anymore and pulled it off.
"I'll sort it out later, we should head out before-" Rael began just as someone began shouting for us from outside.
I laughed as I saw Wyatt and Hadley getting pushed into the back of one of the cars together while they scowled, moving away from each other. Well, as far as possible when Damon was stretched out, sleeping.
Asrael pressed his lips to mine as we headed downstairs, earning glares from my brothers when we passed them. To annoy them more, I returned the kiss, deepening it but stopped and laughed when Zane threw a grape at me. I caught it and smiled innocently at them.
"Have a good first day stupid." Zane messed my hair up and I quickly patted it down.
"Have a good day sorting out paperwork and boring stuff, see you later." I told them before heading outside with Asrael.
We stepped into the car, being seated in the middle row while everyone argued about random things. Namely Wyatt and Hadley about the watermelon.
Hallie started driving, turning up the music all the way to drown out the insults about the 'innocent watermelon that didn't deserve what happened to it'.
Holy shit.
We all stepped out of the car and my eyes were wide as I took in the size of the school and how easily I could get lost it in. Because of my amazing luck, I probably would at some point.