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Suspicion made itself present in my mind as I stood at the corner with my eyes narrowed

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Suspicion made itself present in my mind as I stood at the corner with my eyes narrowed. Riven, Hallie, Hadley, Wyatt and Asrael were talking in hushed tones. This morning Rael was already gone when I woke up and didn't make much effort to talk to me for the rest of the day. So naturally, I was spying on him like an immature child.

I liked to think it was a ninja mission though.

If he wasn't with Wyatt I would have just gone about my day but if he was hanging with my youngest brother they were definitely up to something.

"Vic? What are you doing?" Hallie called, making everyone turn to me with confused faces.

How the fuck did they see me? I was level ten stealthy.

They probably smelled your suspicion from a mile away. Pair that with the fact you're squatting on the floor, peeping round the corner and breathing loudly, well, I dont know.

I stood up, dusting off imaginary dirt from my hands and smiled, walking over to them.

"Nothing. Just uh- cleaning. Yeah, cleaning." I nodded confidently and could see Wyatt place a hand over his mouth to conceal his laughter.

"We have maids for that. What were you actually doing?" Hadley blew my cover away with a two sentences and I looked around for an escape route.

When I saw Damon heading upstairs my face lit up.

"Looking for Damon but see, he's here now so I'm going to head off." I kissed Rael's cheek before turning and practically running in the direction of my brother.

I hooked my arm with his and he glanced down at me like I'd gone crazy.

"What are you doing?" He asked, turning to look back at the others but I made us turn the corner before he could.

I threw my arm over his shoulder and looked pointedly at him,"I'm spying on people."

He scoffed,"What are you, five?"

I rolled my eyes and retracted my arm before squatting on the floor again. Damon walked away, mumbling incoherent words and I eventually got bored and went to get some icecream from the kitchen.

After eating my suspicion away I went with Zane to the music shop to help him decide on which new guitar to buy because Damon 'accidentally' flung the old one across the room some time ago.

I didn't really hang out much with Zane anymore so I was happy when we went out to get some McDonald's aswell. I also got a message from Rowan who was currently in Paris with Greyson.

I hadn't heard from my dad in a while but I knew he was in London to attend some business meetings. Alex said he'd be back in a month or so. I didn't mind and I was more open to getting to know him this time.

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