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Zane looked stunned, sitting still while just staring at the floor

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Zane looked stunned, sitting still while just staring at the floor. Adrian seemed angry but didn't say anything, instead glaring at Asrael. Creed smiled softly at me. Reuben sipped his wine, leaning back and enjoying Damon's expression and Alex just clasped his hands together, not saying a word.

"You're- you're pregnant." Zane repeated my words finally glancing up at me.

I nodded slowly and he returned it, snatching Reuben's wine from him and wisking is around slowly. Reuben just shrugged and went to pour himself another before coming to hug me.

"Not going to lie I thought you'd be most annoyed." I told him, pulling away after hugging him back.

"Maybe a year ago year but I've realised stuff now. It's your life to do what you want to with and plus I'll be an uncle so I'm not complaining." He explained, sitting back down on the end of the L shaped couch.

Adrian suddenly found his voice and made dramatic hand gestures, "How are you fine with this? You're too young Victoria you have to abort the baby."

Right as me and Asrael were about to go off at him Alex slapped Adrian upside the head and grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to sit back down.

"Stop voicing your idiotic thoughts and sit the fuck down while I think." He grumbled, taking Reuben's second glass of wine and drinking it all in one go.

We came home from the gala last night and I decided to let my brothers rest before dropping the news on them.

Alex started speaking, obviously choosing his words carefully, "Like Reuben said, it's your choice to keep the baby or not and we will support you either way."

I nodded with a smile and left the room with Asrael. Mere seconds after leaving I heard glass shatter behind in the kitchen and I sighed.

That's the reaction I was expecting.


It was now dinner and everyone was present at the table, talking quietly as the tension in the room could be cut with a knife. Other than Zane, Reuben, Creed and Wyatt, my brothers hadn't said a word to me since breakfast.

"So," Dante started, causing everyone to startle, "you guys start back at school tomorrow, try not to give me any more trouble alright?" He finished, cutting up his steak.

There were a few nods and mutters around the table and Adrian abruptly stood up, leaving the dining room and slamming the door behind him.

"Who pissed in his cheerios?" Colin chuckled, quickly being silenced by Levi who told him to shut up. He looked at me and I knew Alex had told him.

Rael grabbed my hand under the table, assuring me that Adrian would eventually come around. I hoped he was right because I didn't want to be on the bad side of one of my brothers again. We all know how that went down with Callan.

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