❝ I have survived so many fires I can no longer tell if I am alive or if I'm still burning. ❞
In which the six most powerful mafia families must live together for a year.
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I swear I can hear my heartbeat in my ears.
My head was pounding and I felt like I was going to throw up yesterday's lunch. I forced my eyes open, ready to see the interior of my room at the beach house. Confusion filled me when I was met with waterslides in front of me.
The events of the previous night started coming back to me and I groaned. Everyone else was passed out, lying on the pool floor or leaning against the side.
Hallie's head was rested on my shoulder and Hadley had one arm draped over her face. I almost screamed when something caught my eye.
"Hadley." I shook her gently.
She attempted slap my hands away with a yawn.
"Do you like spiders?" I asked with a humourless chuckle.
"No, I hate them. Now let me sleep." She replied quickly and turned her head.
Being hungover is the worst so naturally I couldn't blame her for not wanting to get up. But you could think again if you thought I was going to pick the giant spider that was currently crawling on her leg up.
"Just, look down." She opened her eyes, probably ready to slap me but followed my eyes. Within a second an ear piercing scream left her mouth, deafening me in the process and she stood up, kicking her leg around.
Everyone woke up with a gasp or a groan and another scream left someone's mouth.
"Oh my god there's a fucking tarantula on me, get it off." Onyx cried, starting down at his shirt.
No one made a move, except the spider.
"Stop screaming, I'm hungover," Damon groaned, "wait, where are we?" His eyes opened wider.
While everyone stood up, joints cracking from being in weird positions all night, Maddox flicked the spider off Onyx and he fell back with a sigh of relief.
"Oh shit, did I actually do that?" Cole asked, probably remembering his pole dancing compilation.
His twin nodded, laughing, but stopped when he said his throat burned from the after taste of last night's vodka.
I felt bile rising up my throat and rushed over to the climb out the empty pool, simultaneously throwing my guts up. Someone held my hair back and I instantly knew it was Asrael.
Hadley threw me a tissue and I thanked her.
Everyone seemed to he doing a bit of expelling the alcohol from their system. I felt a lot better now and stood up straight.
"Quick question guys, how are we getting back? I have no idea where we are?" Domino asked, looking around at our surroundings. She was right, I was sure none of us had any clue. There was only some distant hills and the trespassing sign I wished we'd noticed before we all tumbled down last night.