21 - Push Passed Everything

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Well, Cory managed to make it through the week. Today was Saturday. Cory loved Saturdays, because it meant she got to go sing at the café. It also meant she got to sleep in.

However, that sleeping in got slighlty interrupted by a small dog licking her hand.

Cory blinked a couple times, tiredly, "Wednesday..." She whines before sitting, "Okay, I'm up, I'm up. You happy now?"

Cory grabs her glasses off the night stand and puts them on. She throws the covers aside, then stands and stretches. She quickly makes the bed, then walks downstairs with Wednesday following.

Cory feeds Wednesday, then jumps in the shower. The water woke her up and made her feel more energized and ready to the day. After she showered, Cory dried her hair and put it in a high pony tail on top of her head. She applied some simple, quick makeup. Her outfit consisted of a Metallica T-shirt, black skinny jeans, converse, and a black hoodie; and of course, her promise ring. Her outfit was simple, but she was pleased with it.

Cory put her guitar in it's case, made sure she had everything else, then decided to head out.

"You be good, Wednesday." Cory says before walking out.


Cory walks into the café with a smile on her face. She'd eaten salads at school all week so she could get two of the amazing doughnuts here for breakfast with her vanilla latte. She was also in a bit of a better mood today, and ready to sing.

Once Cory got her food and coffee, she sat down in one of the lounge chairs. No one went up to the mic to sing this time. Cory also noticed that a lot of other people in the cafe were passing glances at her. Cory supposed she had become somewhat known here in the weeks she'd been coming here. Were they waiting for her to go up? Or were they just staring at her for her odd appearence as people usually did?

Once Cory finished up, she decided she should go up. Cory stood, grabbed her guitar and walked up to the empty space of the café where the mic stood with a stool next to it, waiting for someone to sing into it. Cory got her guitar out of its case and put the strap arouond her. She then sat on the stool and faced the microphone.

"Hey, can everyone hear me?" She asks into the mic.

The majority of the people turned their heads, so Cory assumed that they could.

"Awesome." Cory says, "This song's one of my favorites and I hope I can make it one of yours. This song's called 'Snuff'." She says. A beat later, she begins strumming her guitar to the song she loved so much. She then began to sing.

Bury all your secrets in my skin

Come away with innocence

And leave me with my sins

The air around me still feels like a cage

And love is just a camouflage

For what resembles rage, again...

So if you love me, let me go

And run away before I know

My heart is just too dark to care

I can't destroy what isn't there

Deliver me into my fate

If I'm alone, I cannot hate

I don't deserve to have you

Mmm...My smile was taken long ago

If I can change, I hope I never know

For as Sick as it May SeemOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora