8 - Lust Verses Love

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Cory walked into Starbucks before work at her usual time. Out of new formed habit, she half-expected to see Chris there, coffee bound. She didn't though, and she missed it.

Cory stepped into line behind a guy with long dark brown hair, stretched ears, and a septum ring.

And she recognized him immediately.

"Nick Cerulli." She states.

He turns around, "Yeah? Oh! Hey! My sister used to babysit you. It's Cora, right?"


"Right. Sorry, I'm bad with names.'

"It's cool." Cory laughs, "I just seem to be running into the entire Cerulli clan, huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"You don't know?" Cory asks, "I've been seeing Chris for the past couple weeks."

"Seeing? As in dating? Aren't you in highschool?"

"Yes, but I'm eighteen. And I wouldn't say Chris and I are dating, we're just...I don't even know, really."

Nick looks her up and down. "You look different. Last time I saw you I think was at your parents' funeral."

"Yeah. I've gotten a couple new piercings and changed my hair."

Nick nods, "You look like a girl Chris would be into."


"Yeah." Nick says, not sounding entirely thrilled about the idea, "How did this whole 'you and Chris' thing start anyway?"

"We actually ran into each other at this Starbucks. I got him to remember me, we started talking, and sort of have been ever since. I've met the rest of the guy in Motionless too, and their girlfriends. They were all really nice."

"But you and Chris aren't together."

"I don't really know..." Cory says, "I mean, we've discussed things along the lines of dating but we haven't really -"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means he's told me he cares for me a lot ." Cory says, trying not to get angry, "God, why does everyone assume that just because I'm not twenty-five that Chris and I can't have a meaningful, loving relationship if we wanted?"

"Hey, I'm not saying you couldn't. I'm just making sure that this isn't what it sounds like, because no offense, but it didn't sound good at first."

Cory sighs, "I know."

"But hey, I mean, it's none of my business. Who am I to judge?"

"Thank you for saying that."

They order their coffee, then step aside.

"I've gotta get going to work, but it was good seeing you." Cory says.

"You still working at Hot Topic?"

"Yeah. You still a body piercer?"

"Yup. If you ever want any more piercings, I'm your guy."

"I'll have to take you up on that some time."

Nick nods, "It was good seeing you too. Though. I suppose if tings go well for you and my brother, I'll be seeing you a bit more often."

"I guess so." Cory says, "I'll see you later then."


After actually getting to sit down and relax a minute, Chris looked at his phone. There were tons of likes, favorites, retweets, reblogs, comments, and anything else you can think of. He also had a few text messages.

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