12: After the Hearing

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While Tay wasn't in a high ranking position, she still should have been in the meeting room. She was the director of the field nurses, and everyone in the room valued her opinion as much as their own. She should have been with them.

So where was she?

Levi found himself looking at the doors, unable to focus on the actual meeting. He knew Erwin was just going to talk out of his ass again, and would probably need his support, but Levi could only worry about Tay. Because she wasn't there.

Memories flashed through his mind, one after another, of the things he'd seen the military police do. During his time in the underground and on the surface. Disgusting things, harmful things, gruesome things, images that were forever seared in his brain.

The memories twisted, turning into nightmares where Tay was the one they were harming. Screams echoed in his ears, and Levi had to fight to keep his hands in his lap.

Others noticed how his expression was somehow more blank than usual, and shifted uncomfortably.

Levi looked down at the table in front of him, seeing the place card wasn't straight. He shifted it so the edge was parallel to the edge of the table, then saw the blood staining the very end of his sleeve.

Disgust flashed through him, but he managed to resist the urge to throw the jacket off himself. There was only one kind of blood in this world that stained.

Levi grunted as Erwin's foot collided with his shin, shooting the man a flat stare.

"Corporal. You may speak." One of the higher-ups ordered. Levi didn't pay attention to which one.

His head snapped up, eyes focusing on the one that talked. His face still didn't register. Levi didn't care. "Where is Dr. Taylor." He growled, as nicely as he could through gritted teeth.

"That is not of your concern. We want to hear you speak your piece, Corporal." An old man ground out.

Beside Levi, Pyxis was holding back a grimace.

"I have nothing to say that Erwin doesn't. He ultimately made the decision, and it turned out to be worth the risk. Now. Where is the Doctor." Levi finished, his tone just shy of a command.

The higher-up visibly bristled, eyes narrowing as he tried to stare Levi down. "As I said, that woman is not your concern."

"You made her my concern when you assigned me babysitting duty." Levi countered, internally seething.

"Well, then you should be glad to hear that your babysitting duty is now over." The man replied, smiling smugly. He leaned back in his chair, his round gut pushing against the table. Levi grit his teeth to keep from screaming at the pig.

"Is it too bold of me to ask why?" Erwin butted in, eyes owlishly wide underneath his mountain eyebrows.

"Not at all." A different one answered. "You see, we have heard from multiple sources that Doctor Taylor is rather close to your unit." He began. Levi heard Pyxis shift beside him, a mixture of dread and anger exploding within him.

"So, in order to ensure the Scout Regiment's compliance in our next endeavor, we will be holding her in a secure location."

Levi's entire body tensed, his eyes becoming sharp as knives. Erwin kicked his shin again, but it accomplished nothing. The shorter man loomed over everyone at the table, through sheer force of presence. His intense gaze was focused on the man in the middle.

He took a deep breath, letting it out very slowly. "You--- are what?" Levi asked, his tone somehow flat yet menacing. Again, it bordered on disrespectful but didn't cross the line.

Stunned {A Levi X Oc}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin