6: Calm Down, Okay?

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Levi led her outside the barracks and into the training yard, but stopped her before she joined the others.


"Sir!" They shouted, forming lines and saluting rigidly.

Tay wanted to laugh at their serious little faces, but kept silent, knowing this was Levi's job.

"You will have a new recruit joining you. She is a part of your unit, and you will treat her as such."

"Yes sir!"

"At ease."

The recruits stopped their salutes and stood tall, watching her and Levi. Tay took Levi's hand and squeezed it, nervous from all the eyes on her.

When she let go he pushed her in front of him slightly. "This is Taylor La'Vinsly. She will be your new comrade." He said.

"Yes sir!"

Tay smiled brightly and bowed a little, hiding her laughter. "Hello, children." She said, chipper.

Levi snorted quietly.

"Disperse. We will begin drills momentarily."

He looked down to Tay. "You should join them. They need to m-meet you." He muttered.

Tay looked up the three inches it took to see his eyes. "We really need to talk, Levi. You've been avoiding conversation with me all day."

He looked away, blushing madly like a school boy.

"I am not."


He looked back at her, his face still red. "Please. We need to be able to work together. Talk to me." She said, eyes big and pleading.

He had to look away. If He continued staring at her he would give in, and then be just as confused as before. At least when she was at a distance he could keep up his untouchable act. And there were all these rumors, about how she was gaining rank by sleeping with him.

He couldn't keep letting her reputation continue to be tarnished just because he wanted to be around her. He shouldn't even want to be around her. Why was he feeling this way? So conflicted?

"Levi, please." She said, taking his hand in her smaller one, now so calloused.

He had to stop this. She was going to die, like everyone else, and then where would he be?

"I don't think that is a good idea." He said, unable to meet her eyes.

"What?" She asked, quietly, watching the rest of the Levi squad and Eren file out. They started towards her and Levi, but Petra stopped them, seeing the look on Tay's face. Hange looked absolute irate, but she too was soon talked down.

"I-I can't afford to have someone t-this close to me. It only makes my j-job harder." He said, looking down at his feet.

"Levi, don't do this." Tay said, almost begging him. She moved so she was directly in front of him, and held one of his forearms. He shrugged her off, but didn't take a step back.

"T-Tay. You're an amazing person and... I'm not right for y-you. You n-need someone as sweet as you. I'm not the right man." Levi said, finally meeting her eyes.

"Levi, stop pushing me away." She begged.

"You shouldn't be so close to me, Tay. I'm y-your captain."

Her eyes widened, and she looked deeply into his. She realised he was hiding from something. He was afraid.


Stunned {A Levi X Oc}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin