13: Tay, Season 2

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Tay didn't quite remember how she made it to the dark, dry cell she found herself in.

Her memories between Eren's fight with the military police and the cell were hazy, as if seen from outside herself. She remembered her limbs feeling heavy, her eyes half open as she fought the weariness threatening to pull her away, but the words and events were all a blur.

She didn't think she was drugged, surprisingly enough. Tay suspected her energy had simply been drained from her body trying to heal itself, the stress of the situation, and the physical exertion. So much had happened in a single day, it came as no surprise to her that she collapsed.

What did surprise her was how quickly it had happened. One moment she was feeling a bit tired, her fingers aching from holding onto her equipment for so long, the next her limbs felt like they weighed one thousand pounds.

But Tay had been drugged before, and the feeling wasn't remotely similar. She knew her own body, and this was not the same. Perhaps her shifting was taking more out of her than she thought. That was definitely something to report to Hangë.

The sound of footsteps broke her from her thoughts. Tay blinked, sitting up sluggishly. She was still exhausted, and every muscle felt sore. It was like the first day of her training all over again.

The footsteps grew closer, echoing louder as they neared. Tay, curious, dragged herself out of the hard bunk beneath her and closer to the door, only to discover she had chains around her wrists.

Well this was familiar.

Unfortunately, the man coming to stand before her was most definitely not the one she had fallen for. No, this one had a broad smile on his face, eyes crazed as he stared her down. His eyes were broad set and wide, only adding to the air of insanity he projected.

"Well hey there girly. I 'ad been 'oping to see ya awake. Those eyes a' yours are mesmerizin when ther' open all tha way."

Tay felt a goosebumps crawl across her skin.

He turned his back to her, peering around the tunnel he came from as if checking to see if people were nearby. He turned back to her, his gaze taking on an air of dark glee.

"What's ya name again? Ta- Ta- Taylor?" He nodded, grin widening. "Yea, Taylor! Well, Taylor, I'm not 'posed to tell ya this- but the only thing keepin' me fra' goin' in ther and havin' some fun is tha herd of officials threatenin me with loss o' ma title."

Tay worked very, very hard to keep her face blank as she thought of a response. Her heart was racing, adrenaline rushing through her. Where was she, if someone like this was guarding her?

"Sorry, but I don't really remember getting here." Tay finally said, her voice higher than usual. She cleared her throat.

The creepy man chuckled darkly, backing up to lean against the wall across from her cell. "Wher else da they put traitors and leverage but tha undeground?"

Tay's heart sank. So not only was she being considered a traitor, but also leverage. Leverage on who? She was afraid to know the answer, but she asked anyway. "I had not realised I was that important."

"Ah, yer prolly not, but the guys up top seem to think ya are. To tha scouts no less." He chuckled, moving up to the bars. He leaned against them, crazed eyes boring into her as he grinned. "Aahh, that's another one. I can't touch ya unless the scouts screw up. So if anythin happens, ya know who ta blame."

Tay sighed, closing her eyes as anger welled up in her. She pushed the feeling away, turning around to sit on the bunk.


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