17: Top Side

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Tay walked away quickly, forcing her face to stop smiling. She did her best to blend into the crowd of refugees, but she was still dressed in her ODM harness and uniform.

She dashed to a nearby shop and peeked inside, searching for anything she could use as a disguise. It took her a long time, but after several shops and one... questionable restaurant, she found a blanket long enough to hide herself with. She had to steal it, which she felt bad about, but it wasn't the time for remorse. She hid behind a small, dilapidated wooden building and undid the harness, leaving the metal and leather contraption behind in a mound of straps.

Next was her uniform, which consisted of her scouts coat and button up. She stripped them off as well, throwing the coat in a wad some distance from the harness. Her button up was embroidered with the symbol showing her rank within the doctors' regiment, so she turned it inside out and slipped into it again.

Tay was glad that particular shirt was almost a size too big.

She finished right when the crowd began moving upward, shoving toward the exit. Tay forced her way to the middle, ducking under flailing limbs and dodging falling people. She almost got trampled twice, and did get stepped on multiple times. By the time she could see sunlight, Tay was covered in bruises and scrapes from elbows and falling.

She was bounced like a pinball around the crowd, just managing to slip by the military police watching the exit. They seemed to recognize her, but Tay would move from their line of sight before anything happened.

They were herded into a huge square, then directed towards several lines going to different places inside the walls.

Tay chose a random line, ducking around people and into alleyways at any opportunity. She hadn't seen much of Wall Rose, despite growing up in Trost. Her family didn't move much, and when her parents disappeared she mostly stayed around her grandma's brothel. The only time she left was for scouting missions and training, whicj were usually on one way roads in and out.

So wherever she was looked completely unfamiliar. Tay had to find a safe place to stay, decide how to contact Levi or any of the scouts, and avoid the military police. Things were not looking promising.

Tay moved around back alleys that ran parallel wo main streets, searching for some place that had maps of the city. Soon the sun was setting over the massive walls around her, and Tay had no idea what to do.

She had no resources, no accomplices, and no place to go.

Tay hid in the driest place she could find; a small place between a mound of garbage and a squat building. There was an overhang beside the trash with just enough room for her to fit.

There, she sat through the night. Not sleep, as much as she wanted to, but sat. Her mind was too busy thinking of possible outcomes and disasters. She couldn't calm her racing heart or thoughts, although her body felt exhausted. So she lay, exhausted, leaning against a dirty building in the middle of a strange place, with no idea how to get home.

Her mind decided it was the perfect time to drag up bad memories and worries, which was nothing new. But this time, it drudged up thoughts she had been pushing aside since she woke up in a cell. How had her detainment effected Levi?


Erwin had enough.

He shoved himself out of his hospital bed, dragging his body out of the hospital building. Many nurses and doctors tried to stop him, to which he loudly announced that if he was healthy enough to fight them off he was healthy enough to leave. They let him go, albeit hesitantly.

Stunned {A Levi X Oc}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin