16: Escape, detailed

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Tay screamed into a massive hand when someone grabbed her from behind, squirming to get out of the grip to no avail.

"It's me." a familiar voice rumbled beside her ear.

Tay didn't relax, just froze.

"Are you gonna run?" Frank rumbled.

Tay shook her head, eyes watering. She couldn't fight him off anyway.

"I'm gonna let go. Follow me."

True to his word, Frank released her and walked away. He followed the tunnel in front of them before stopping to turn around, seeing her still frozen on the spot. "C'mon. Out's this way."

The shock wore off enough that sense came through, and Tay followed. He took her down many dank halls, with very little light. She couldn't see anything, only relying on the sound of Frank's footsteps. At one point he became worried she would fall behind, so he stopped.

Tay ran right into his back, confirming his theory. Frank shifted to one side and gently took her hand, pulling her in front of him and nudging her on. Tay stumbled at first, but he placed a heavy hand on her shoulder to steer her.

"W-why are you helping me?" Tay finally found the courage to ask.

"I quit the regiment. Don't need to be important to be successful."

Tay felt her heart flutter, and a soft smile pulled her lips up. She didn't say anything, but she did relax some. She trusted Frank, even if he only just started helping her. Tay knew he didn't belong in that regiment.

"Won't they chase you?" She asked.

Frank grunted. "I told Kenny. Don't got to worry, he agreed."

Again, Tay felt her heart flutter. She only wished she could have helped Kara too.

Frank guided her through more tunnels, shoving her into small nooks when others would walk by, most likely on patrol. They seemed to walk for miles, and Tay felt her body beginning to tire. She hadn't been in the best shape to begin with, but after who knows how many days of not exercising it was worse.

She tripped a few times, luckily Frank could catch her. After the fifth or sixth near fall, he halted.

"You're tired." He stated.

Tay looked down at her feet sheepishly, embarrassed. Even now, she still couldn't stand on her own. "Y-yeah."

Frank grunted. "I can carry you, but we need to keep moving. More patrols on the way."

"H-how much longer?" Tay asked, hesitantly.

Frank paused, as if counting in his head. "Five miles. Maybe six."

Tay felt her mouth dry out. Six miles. She hadn't had proper food and drink in a long time, or exercise, and there was six miles left. Plus the blood loss from trying to partially shift. She couldn't think of another choice that wouldn't slow them down.

"F-fine. Just do it." She said, resigned. It was embarrassing, but it had to be done.

Frank scooped her up without a word, easily slinging her up into his massive arms. Tay wrapped her arms around his neck as he took off, both of them blushing.

Frank could feel the shape of her body pressing against him, and he had to banish the feeling forcefully from his mind. Now was not the time, and he had a girlfriend whom he was very happy with.

They dodged several more patrols and one random homeless person, eventually coming up on a hall filled entirely with cells. Tay clung to Frank, watching her surroundings with wide eyes. She felt like a child.

"Door's to the left up there." Frank said, pointing to a doorway ahead of them.

"R-right. Th-thank you, Frank." Tay said, breathing out heavily.

He just grunted and continued on.

They burst through the door into a room with three or four men, Tay couldn't see the exact number. Frank unceremoniously dumped her by the door and pulled out his weapons, shooting two before another charged him.

Tay looked away as Frank picked him up by the back of his jacket and threw him across the small lounge room, right into another man. They both went down in a daze, and Frank sheathed his guns. He picked Tay up and continued on.

They reached the last door in no time, for which Tay was grateful. She wanted to be out of the place as soon as possible.

Frank opened the door slowly, looking around before bringing her out. He walked carefully down another long, lightless hall and to another door.

Tay's eyes widened in shock when she saw what was on the other side.

A storage closet. They were in a storage closet, filled with food. Her mouth began watering. She could hear banging and people talking from somewhere. Frank placed her on her feet and walked, gesturing for her to stay close. She followed, looking around curiously as he led them from the closet into a bustling kitchen.

No one seemed to care that two people just appeared from their storage. Instead, a woman walked up and forced a piece of bread and a boiled potato into their hands, then stomped off to continue whatever she was doing.

Tay's jaw was on the floor by this point. She had no idea what was going on, and her muddled brain wasn't helping. Frank took her hand, pulling her away and out another door that lead behind the kitchen.

She came back to herself slowly, blinking as he brought her across an empty street and to another place. This one was a bakery, and the smells of sweet things cooking brought her completely back.

"F-frank!" Tay hissed, still following him. "Where are we going?"

"Refugees are coming back top side from wall Rose." He rumbled.

"Wall Rose was breached?" Tay asked, fear flashing through her.

"They said it was, but no one found a hole."

She brooded on that as he dragged her around the underground city, through several shops and small stores until they came across a massive crowd gather below an even bigger opening. It was filled with stairs and people, leading upwards.

"Here. That's gonna lead you to the top side, but ya have to avoid military police. If you stick with the crowd, you'll blend in. Find your way to your captain from there."

Tay looked up at him, still shocked. That was the most words she'd ever heard leave his mouth at one time. He was shifting from foot to foot, as if impatient, and there were beads of sweat dripping down his face.

"Thank you, Frank. I can't thank you enough. If you need any help, with anything, go to the whore house on xx street. Ask for Raja La'Vinsly, and tell them Tay sent you. They'll understand, and aide you with whatever you need." Tay explained.

He just grunted, dipping his head. She stumbled away as he lightly pushed on her shoulders. "Go."

She did as he told, a wide smile on her face. Because she saw the same expression on his.

Did I just publish four chapters at the same time, and leave ya'll on a cliff hanger? Yes. Yes I did.

This is why I don't have an upload schedule.

Anyway, next chapter should be out soon. Thank you for reading!

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