10: Stohess

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Tay met up with Levi and Erwin in their coach, after branching off from the kids. She had to act like she tried to escape, of course, which Levi did not enjoy seeing. He barely held himself back from killing the MP that decked her with the butt of his weapon, and Erwin had to place a hand on his shoulder to keep him from killing everyone when other MP's started glaring at her.

Eventually they threw her in the coach, and Levi immediately pulled her onto his lap.

"You're going to have a bruise the size of an egg." He grumbled, checking for any bleeding. Tay winced when he pushed a little too hard, and he cursed. "Sorry."

Erwin sent Levi the most amused, surprised look at that, but said nothing.

"I know, believe me. I feel it every time I move. I'm sure it will heal fast though." Tay replied, looking up to him.

Levi blushed slightly at her soft gaze, eyes flicking away. Tay lay her head in his lap, with her bruised side up to avoid more pain. Levi turned even darker at that, much to Erwin's amusement.

Erwin shook his head at the two, looking blankly out one of the windows.

The ride was mostly silent until the wagon stopped, and they heard shouting outside. Erwin took this as his cue, and stood. The three adults exited, with Levi helping Tay down for some reason. She stood behind Erwin with Levi, listening to the blond speak to Nile.

"Nile. Deploy all troops immediately. We should assume a Titan has appeared." Erwin shouted.

Nile whipped around to face them, looking terrified though he tried not to show it. "Are you crazy? This is wall Sina! No Titan would show up here!" He replied, not meeting Erwin's intense gaze.

Tay turned to see the boy playing as Eren jump from his coach then, teeth gritted. "I'm done playing dress up!" He shouted, ripping the cheap wig from his head. The MP holding him gasped and jumped back, but the boy didn't care.

He just ran to Erwin. "I want to help too!" He demanded, pulling a scout's cloak on. Erwin nodded.

"Go ask squad 4 for equipment."

"Yes sir!"

Levi stopped him then, one arm around Tay protectively and the other by his side. The boy looked startled to see Levi like that, but remembered where he was when Levi started talking.

"Bravado is fine and all, but just remember to stay alive." Levi grumbled, face blank.

Tay moved from under his arm and stepped toward the boy, placing a hand on her hip. "And please, watch out for Eren for me. The boy is amazing, but he's having trouble accepting this. What's your name, boy?" Tay asked, tilting her head.

"J-Jean Kirstein. Y-Yes ma'am!" He answered nervously, looking behind her to Levi. He was glaring at Jean, as if threatening him to say something rude.

Tay smiled nicely, trying to be supportive. "Make it back alive, Jean." She slapped a hand on his shoulder, pushing him forward. "Now go on, we have to deal with this lot." She finished, looking to Nile.

Jean stammered out a reply, and ran away.

Tay rolled her eyes turning back to Nile. The man was watching them with wide, fearful eyes, teeth gritted. "Erwin! What was that?" He demanded, looking around as more scouts showed up.

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