14: Family

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Tay began to feel tired after some undetermined time. She didn't have a way to track the hours as they passed, considering she was underground with not so much as a clock. She didn't know how long she just sat in her cell alone, desperately trying to think of something to entertain herself.

She decided on counting the cracks lining the walls, starting on the far left corner of the wall opposite her bunk. She got about halfway up before losing her count, and never quite got through the second wall.

Her guards hadn't come back yet, not to provide food or water, company, or a lights out announcement. She was just alone, in a cell, slowly going crazy as time crawled by.

Ages seemed to pass before a huge, hulking, scarred man stomped around the corner. He was holding a metal tray and beaten cup, both looking miniscule in his massive hands.

Tay tried to smile, but she was fairly certain it more closely resembled a grimace. He shoved the tray to the bars, sliding it across the ground so she could take it.

Tay had to clear her throat several times before words actually came out. "Th-thank you." She managed to croak.

The man just grunted, dropping to the ground with a heavy thud. He leaned his massive body on the wall across from her, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

Tay took a drink of the tepid water, doing her best to resist her body's urge to gulp it down. She did the same with the food, not wanting to hurl it back up. She didn't know how often they would bring her food, or how long she had already gone without it.

"Um...." she started, looking to the hulking man. "What's your name?"

He responded after a long silence. "Frank."

More silence. Tay shifted, trying to think of something to say. "How did you get down here?"

"The boss."

Tay wanted to bang her head against the wall. "What did they do?"

"Took me in. Gave me a place to stay. Food. Money."

Tay nodded, understanding. "What's your job?"

"Body guard."

"Do you live in the underground?"

"You ask too many questions."

Tay's mouth clicked shut, and she frowned. "Well, I don't see a better option. You aren't very talkative, are you?"


"So it's either I ask questions, or we sit here in silence. I don't know about you, but I've had enough silence." Tay continued, still frowning.

He paused, heaving a loud sigh. She watched him reach under his massive coat, seeing two guns identical to Kara's underneath it. He pulled a deck of cards out of somewhere. The packaging looked worn, the design almost gone from the front.

"Wanna play cards?" He asked, setting it down gently. Tay thought she detected a hint of hopefulness in his voice, which made her smile.

"Sure. What game?"

He looked between her small hands and his massive ones, mentally crossing out 'slap jack'. His next option was battle, but he didn't feel like playing it. Perhaps war was the better option.

"War?" He questioned, finally looking up to meether eyes. She witheld a flinch at seeing several massive scars making his features. Others would probably run away screaming, but Tay had seen worse in the Scouts. And besides, she had nowhere else to go anyway.

"That's fine." she agreed, noting the excited tone in his voice.

The cards made small slapping sounds as he dealt them out to her, his hands moving surprisingly fast. She noticed the care he took when moving them, not creasing a single card. Seeing such a massive man handle something so delicately was amusing, although Tay didn't laugh out loud. It was also endearing.

Stunned {A Levi X Oc}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें