1k reads!

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(Have some cute shit for 1,000 reads! I might go back and make this an actual chapter instead of a special, just because it's cute, but for now it's going here. Enjoy, and thank you for 1,000 reads! ♡♡)

Tay had finally gotten a moment alone. She was sitting in her room, in a dress for the first time in months. She quite enjoyed wearing dresses, despite the job she had. They were easy to put on and simple to pair with other things, and they accentuated her features in ways she liked.

She had yoinked a book from a nearby library on her way back to the base after working at the hospital, a series she had wanted to read for a long time. It was about a man in a strange new world with too much money and magical powers. She had heard great things about it, and now she could finally read it.

Right when she had pulled her blankets into the perfect nest to read in, an obnoxiously loud bang almost had her jumping out of her skin. The door almost rattled off its hinges. It sounded like someone threw an entire person into the door.

"Taaaaaayylorrrrr~~~" a familiar voice sang. There was only two people in the entire compound who called her by her full name with so much familiarity; Hangë and Erwin. It had to be Hangë.

Oh no.

Tay let her head thump back against the wall behind her and sighed, withholding a groan. She loved Hangë to death, but the woman was incredibly talkative and almost too much to handle on a normal day. Tay was not in the mood to contain the disaster that was Hangë Zoë.

But she couldn't ignore her. Even if Hangë still looked at her like she was a piece of meat on a buffet, she was still one of Tay's few friends.

"Yes?" Tay replied tiredly.

"Ooohh I have a surprise for you~~" Hangë sang. Tay felt a headache coming on. But she hauled herself out of her bed-nest anyway, dragging herself to the door. Tay opened it quickly, and yelped in surprise when Hangë literally fell into her room, toppling directly onto her face.

She must have actually thrown her entire body onto the door, and stayed leaning on it while talking to her. Tay didn't even have the energy to laugh. She'd been training with Levi and experimented on by Hangë all week during the day, and at night she was directing the hospitals. Tay's body was reaching it's limits, and this was supposed to be her night to finally sit down.

Hangë jumped to her feet immediately, holding her nose. She was still grinning like Tay was her next prey. "Guess what?" She asked.

Tay leaned her forehead against the doorway, holding in her sigh. "What is it, Hangë?"

"I got you a date~" the scientist whispered, laughing softly. Tay's head popped up, eyes widening in fear. "With Levi!"

Now Tay's eyes were the size of dinner plates. Her heart was racing, and butterflies invaded her stomach. She tried to take a breath, but only succeeded in choking on air.

Hangë watched Tay in concern as she coughed for no reason. "Are you okay?"

"You- wha-" Tay coughed on more time and cleared her throat. "You got me a date-"


"With Levi?"


Tay was almost afraid to ask the next question. "W-when?"

"Today of course! Innnn...." Hangë looked behind her shoulder and cursed. "In an hour! At a bakery between Xxx and Xxx Street!"

Tay fell to her knees with a groan, grimacing.

Stunned {A Levi X Oc}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant