7: The 57th Scouting Mission

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Tay rubbed the nose of The Captain's horse, and the creature started smacking its big lips together on her palm. She giggled and scratched its cheek, moving to the side. She was going to have to lunge him a little, seeing as the Captain was still pouting.

Tay made sure everything was secure before making him walk, but he was a little antsy, so she just had him trot for a bit. She didn't want to tire him out too much before this ride, because he had a long way to go.

She slowed him down, and he came back in, just like he was supposed to. He nuzzled her hand looking for treats.

Tay looked around, then pulled an apple treat out of her pocket and fed it to him.

"H-he's going to get fat if you keep feeding him." She heard behind her.

Tay smiled at Levi, stroking the horses face. "Shhh, you're not fat. Don't listen to him." She stage whispered to the horse. The horse snorted and shook his head. "I know, he's so mean." Tay continued, smiling at Levi.

He looked away, and Tay saw the tiniest bit of pink on his cheeks. She smiled.

"Let's go." Levi said, gruffly.

"Yes, Captain." Tay replied, grabbing a stool so she could reach the stirrups.

He shot the horse an angry glare. "Traitor." He mumbled.

Tay jumped into the saddle, and Levi jumped onto the horse beside her.

He kicked the horse into motion, and Tay followed. He led her through a maze of trees, into the center of the formation.

Tay was jittery. This was her first ever mission as a scout instead of a doctor, and she was beyond nervous.

The green flare went up, and soon the other sections followed suit. Then they were moving. They reset the formation when they left the walls, everything going smoothly.

They started galloping, and Tay swallowed her nerves. She couldn't afford to be too distracted, even though she was in possibly the safest place in the entire formation.

The Levi squad closed around her and Eren, who's horse was tied to Levi's. They rode on, trying to cover as much ground as possible before taking any casualties.

Everything was silent for a long time.

Too long. Something wasn't right.

The hair on the back of Tay's neck rose, and she looked around her.

"What's wrong?" One of the guys asked.

"Something feels off!" Tay shouted, still alert.

"It's too quiet." Levi said.

"Yeah! It's making me restless." Tay replied. "It feels like something's watching us."

"We don't have the time to worry about your feelings." Oruo said, attempting to look intimidating.

"Yes we do." Levi replied.

Oruo looked at him with an expression of shock, and his horse stumbled a little, causing him to bite hit tongue. Literally.

"Where do you feel it from?" Levi asked Tay.

She pointed in front of them, and to the right. The right flank. "There. Something is there." She said.

A black flare went up.

Levi cursed violently under his breath, and Tay tensed at the implications. Levi didn't curse, unless something horrible was happening.

The black flares came closer, and Erwin signaled they move left. Everyone altered their course, and pages found Erwin and Levi.

Levi growled, but kept going.

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