2: The Trial

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(I used dialouge directly from the anime here. Not all of it is mine.)

Tay and the boy, Eren, were tied to posts in front of the judge, on their knees. Tay was trembling in fear, but she held her head high, determination on her face.

Eren, meanwhile, was quietly losing it. He was watching everyone at once, having no idea what was going on. All the nobles started muttering at once, and the nut cases from the wall cult started shouting about something.

Tay was too busy watching the judge.

He looked like he wanted her and Eren gone, but he wanted to do his job faithfully anyway. He seemed conflicted. Tay knew they would need to try even harder than they planned to convince these people they needed to live.

She looked to Eren, pleading him with her eyes to calm down. He looked into her eyes and seemed to deflate a little, then looked back at a girl with long black hair in the audience and sighed. He looked like a confused boy.

She looked like a scared girl.

After a few long minutes of Erwin and the nobles bickering, and the wall cult shouting about dishonor, Tay started to zone out. They were mostly focusing on Eren at this point, probably because they knew he was most likely to lose his cool. "... investigation of this matter led us to a most surprising discovery. Eren Jeager and Mikasa Ackerman, at the age of nine, stabbed and killed three adult robber-kidnappers." One of them claimed.

Tay shuddered, remembering hearing about that incident. Mikasa had been taken, and little Eren took it upon himself to save her. Tay's heart went out to him, and in her moment of weakness words tumbled from her lips. "Poor child. He deserves a better life than this." She mumbled.

The room instantly went silent, and every head turned her way. Tay did her best to keep her shoulders straight. Maybe she didn't mumble?

"What was that, titan?" One of the men in the audience sneered.

Tay blushed. "I-I asked if any of you knew the full story behind that incident." Tay lied, trying to sound confident.

Someone stood up, slamming their hands on the table. "What does it matter the full story! No normal child would be able to kill a man! He's a Titan, and so are you! We should just kill you now!" He cried. Several others voiced their agreement.

Tay felt anger rise in her, and her expression made it look like she was talking to a child. "I do not think you understand what it is like to grow up with barely enough food to survive." Tay retorted, voice low. She almost sounded threatening.

"Because you did?" Someone else sneered.

"Yes, I did. As did Jeager, and Mikasa Ackerman, and most of the people dying every day for your luxury. Would you like me to describe the feeling when you watch your parents slowly wither away on front of you, because they've been giving you their rations to survive?" Tay continued.

The merchants broke out in a sweat. "What do-"

"Would you like me to describe the smell of unwashed bodies covered in clothes that haven't seen water in weeks?" Tay interrupted. "Or perhaps the feeling of a throat so dry you can barely speak, because the water nearby has been sitting for so long it was dangerous to drink?"

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