20: At last

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The crowd was dead silent, utterly speechless. Tay heard a door slam, then a familiar voice shouting as footsteps grew closer. Red hair and glasses flashed in the starlight, before Hangë literally froze mid step.

Again, the clearing was silent. Tay watched her chest heave as she sucked in deep breaths, like she was running before she came outside. Their eyes locked, Hangë's wide in shock and Tay's from joy.

"Aaahh!" Hangë screamed, lunging forward. She crushed Tay in a bone breaking hug. "When the hell did you get here?!" She screamed again, right in Tay's ear.

Everyone shifted behind her, some laughter ringing through the clearing. Tay wheezed, Hangë literally knocking the breath out of her.

"Hangë-" she wheezed, trying to fight her off, "air-"

"Shit!" Hangë pulled back, holding Tay at arms length by her shoulders. "Are you okay? Did they do anything to you?"

"Yes, and I'm fine. I'll tell you about it later."

"Well later better mean now because-"

"No." Levi interrupted, sounding more menacing than usual. He moved closer, removing Hangë's arms from Tay and pulling her back. "She needs sleep."

He pulled her away from Hangë and tentatively wrapped an arm around her waist. Even the people around him could see how awkward he was. Levi once again got the feeling of being a gangly teenager, with no idea what to do with himself. He mentally cursed. He'd tucked those memories far away damnit, why were they coming back now?

Hangë saw her chance and took it. "Is Levi touching someone of the opposite sex? Voluntarily? Damn, I owe Moblit a drink now."

Hangë scrambled back with a loud cackle as Levi released Tay and took a step towards her, somehow looking down his nose at her. She continued cackling as she jogged to the entrance of the building, turning on her heel and crossing her arms.

"I want the full story in the morning, Doctor!" She shouted, then disappeared around the door frame.

Tay laughed, shaking her head. Hangë was the same crazy woman she usually was, and it felt refreshing. Now that Tay was somewhere safer than her cell, the feelings she'd been repressing finally bared their fangs. She didn't realize how much she missed Hangë.

"Bring my horse to the stables." Levi ordered, gesturing to a random person. He looked to Tay, eyes softening. "Let's go in."

The sound of boots on stone echoed around the hall as Levi led her deep into the castle, passing doors and office rooms that were empty yet completely clean.

"A lot's happened in the past week. I'll fill you in tomorrow. For now, sleep." Levi stopped at a wide wooden door, seeming nervous, then swung it open.

Behind it was a clean, well organized room with a single bed in one corner, covered in dark blankets. The room was huge and square; it must have been one of the officer rooms. Tay wasn't thinking about the that, however. She was busy staring at the desk in one corner stacked with papers and folders.

On it was the Scouts emblem, hanging from a green cloth draped down the center. "This is your room." She said, turning to face him.


Her cheeks darkened. "I-I can't sleep here."


Tay sighed. "This is your room. You are trying to let a female officer sleep in your room."

"Yes." He answered simply, not blinking. His face was completely blank, as if asking why it mattered.

Tay blinked slowly, pinching the bridge of her nose. How would people know anyway? It's not like he had maids or anything, and it was likely very few people actually walked by the place. What was the harm?

There was lots of harm, but Tay was too tired to care. "Alright. Fine."

She sighed heavily and walked into the huge room, stretching with her hands above her head. "I don't have anything else to wear besides these nasty things."

After a moment of discreetly eyeing Tay up and down and imagining Hangë standing next to her, Levi glanced away. He was blushing again. "Go bathe and I'll get something from Hangë."

Tay nodded, shocked to see a door connected to the room itself. Not many places had bath rooms attached to living suites.

She wanted nothing more than to have a hot bath, but was unwilling to take the time and fill the large tub in the center of the room. Instead, she went to a shower head on one side and opened the valve.

When she finished, opening the door just enough to see, there was a stack of clothes and a towel waiting outside the door.

"I'm not in the room, you can open the door." Levi called. He must have been in the hall.

Tay sighed in relief, bending down to pick up the stack. She was surprised to see a brush sitting on top, and one of her pairs of undergarments beneath it. Hangë probably had a pair from one of the many times Tay went to her room.

Now fully clothed, her wet hair still dripping down her back, Tay emerged from the bathroom to see Levi sitting at his desk.

"Where are you sleeping?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.


Tay sighed. "Levi..."


"No, you're not."

"Then where else? This is what I usually do anyway."

She grumbled under her breath, exhaustion shortening her temper. "Come here."

She sat on the ground, leaning against the bed. Levi raised an eyebrow but complied, coming to sit beside her. She shifted until she was beside him, her legs crossed, and leaned her head on his shoulder. "Can I play with your hair again?" She whispered, her hot breath fanning over his neck.

"Y-yes." He stuttered, just above a whisper.

She gently ran her hands over his undercut, loving the softness of his hair against her palms. And just like the first time, they fell asleep against each other.

Unlike the first time, Eren found them asleep on the floor of Levi's room. He froze, his brain trying to comprehend what was in front of him as he stared at the two. Reality seemed to be warping in front of him.

Tay was leaned against the bed frame, with the Captain leaning back against her. Her arms were resting over his shoulders, her head leaned against his.

Eren had no idea what to do, so he just left and tried to pretend like he didn't see anything. He told everyone the Captain was busy, and sent him back. But from the expression on his face and the fact that no one could find Tay, everyone assumed they were together in one way or another.

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