Riddle me this...

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Marinette's pov:

I'm not going to say anything. I'll stay quiet and observe I thought. It was Wednesday afternoon and today we where going to the museum. Toby and Damian are acting like crazy people, they try to spend every second with me as if I'll die soon or something. Yesterday night I think Jason was on patrol.
As much as I tried I couldn't fall asleep. I tried Sleeping pills but they only make it worse. Because they make it harder to wake up when I have nightmares and I would rather not sleep than to be stuck in a nightmare. I got out of bed and walked over to Jason's room. I was in a conflict with myself if I should really go to him since it was already 1 a.m. and he would be probably asleep but he told me that I could come to him. I knocked. No response. I slowly opened the door. He wasn't there. I walked in and switched on the light. One of his night table's drawers was slightly opened and I could see the trigger of a gun. I gulped and slowly closed it.
"Madame Marinette?" I jumped and turned around." I beg your pardon ms for startling you but may I ask what you're doing in master Jason's room?","I wanted to ask him something.","At 1 a.m.?" I nodded." Well master Jason went out with his friends I believe. Maybe I can be of some assistance." When he said,,out with friends,, his eyebrows tensed a bit and then relaxed,usually not noticable but I saw it. He lied. I shook my head"It's fine I will ask him when his back, thanks. " I passed him."Good night." I said. "Good night Madame." His tone was calm as usual but I could feel he was suspicious of me.
/Flashback ends/

We arrived at the museum. I didn't trust the tour guide, I don't know why but something felt off about him and all my alarm bells went off. Damian seemed uncomfortable as well.

Damian's pov:

I didn't like that man at all. He seemed familiar but not in a good way. I could see Marinette tense up next to me. As if she knew something was wrong. 30 minutes into the tour we heard an explosion down stairs all of the sudden the tour guide ripped his clothes off to revealed  question mark themed clothes. Riddler! Than he took off his fake nose and the wig while laughing like the mad man he is. He put out his head and one of the goons threw him his staff.
"Hello everybody it is I. The Riddler."
Next to me Marinette went into defence mode. Her body language changed completely.
"Until Batman is here I want to have a little fun, so who of the frenchis would love to play?"
I looked back and saw Riddlers goons blocking the exit. Everyone was scared. When I looked back to the Riddler I saw him make eye contact with Marinette. No nonononono.
"What a beauty." He said as he walked towards her and lifted her chin up so she would look at him.
"You should be the one to play" he said grabbing her hand and dragged  her to the middle of the room. I wanted to help her but she shook her head. One of Riddler's goons grabbed me by the shoulder and pushed me on to the knees, than he held a gun to my head. Like they did with the rest of the students. Father hurry!

Marinette's pov:

"Now to explain the game. I will tell you a Riddle and you will have to answer if the answer is wrong a person will get shot. If it's right the person is free to leave. If you refuse to play you'll get shot and I'll choose an other player. Are you up for the challenge?" Of course
"Fine.","Wonderful! Let's start."
"I have branches,but no fruit,trunk or leaves.What am I?"
"Easy a bank"
"Okay. Riddle me this. What question can never answer yes to?"
"Are you asleep yet?"
"Good, Riddle me this,what is always in front of you but can't be seen?"
"The future."
"What goes up but never comes do.."
"Fine let's make it harder. A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him underwater for over 5 minutes. Finally,she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner. How can this be?"
He thought he got me.
"The woman was a photographer."His face dropped." She shot a picture of her husband developed it and hung it up to dry."
I could see he was getting frustrated.
"This is no fun! Fine! A harder one! You have me today, Tomorrow you'll hav..." Crash! A window broke. Before any one of the goons could shoot. They got pushed of their feet by a wind blast. Floating above the ground in his full glory ,Superman, and right behind him landed Batman, Nightwing and red hood. Superman handled the goons while students ran out screaming.

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