The More

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Cameron POV

After the practice is over, Jacob and I head over to the cafeteria for dinner. We sit at a table together as we eat our food.

"So how did you guys meet?" He asks me and I take a bite of my food to give myself time to think of an answer.

"During lunch at our school. We have this pavilion area that we eat at and one day I saw him, it was like an instantaneous crush. He was like an adonis and somehow he noticed me back. I was too shy to go up to him even though I wanted to desperately, he came up to me when I was throwing my stuff away. Nash is like that, he's intense and pretty direct. If he wants something he goes after it and he wanted me," I tell him, a soft smile on my lips as I recall the first day I met Nash. I omit part of our story, how we would stay up all night together and our insomnia, it's really none of his business.

Jacob nods at my story. "It sounds pretty romantic."

"Yeah it was, we were friends first and I wanted him so badly. It was like the best day of my life when he finally asked me on a date. Nash doesn't do simple, his family owns a cabin and he decorated the backyard with a canopy of lights it was the perfect date," I tell him as I continue eating. Jacob is quiet for a while and I look at him, he has a pensive expression on his face.

"What's up?" I ask him as I finish my food.

"I've never had a relationship like that," he says as he finishes up as well. "Where I come from, being gay is frowned on so everyone is in the closet. It's one of the main reason's why I came all the way here to California."

"This is actually my first relationship, I kinda lucked out I guess because he's so amazing. Don't get me wrong, our relationship isn't perfect but it's solid and I trust him completely," I explain as we stand and throw away our trash.

"I can't believe that's your first relationship, you're fucking hot." Jacob says and then widens his eyes as he realizes what he just blurted out. I can feel myself turning red, he's the first person after Nash to compliment my looks.

"Well... thanks, I guess?" I laugh awkwardly but I worry that our budding friendship was just ruined by the awkward exchange. We walk quietly to the dorms, it's dark out now and I wonder what to say to return to the comfortable conversation we had before.

"Jake... can I call you Jake?" I ask tentatively and smile when he nods. "I'm glad I met you today, I'm still pretty shy and I was worried that I would just be Nash's clingy boyfriend. He's always popular and everyone loves him, and it was different when we met, I already had my group of friends but this time we were both going into a new school with new people. I knew he'd make friends right away, especially because he's on the Lacrosse team but I was scared that I wouldn't. Anyway, I'm rambling and I ramble when I get nervous but I'm just happy we met, that's all."

When I'm finished my monologue Jake is looking at me with a wide smile on his face.

"I'm happy we met too, I can already tell we're going to be close friends. I know it." He replies and wraps his arms around me in a short hug. I smile, happy that we got over the awkward moment.

"Do you want to hang out in my room? We have our beds pushed together and Nash brought his huge TV, we could watch a movie," I ask him as we enter the dorm building. I don't want to seem too clingy or pushy but I really don't want to spend the evening alone waiting for Nash to get back.

Jacob nods right away and I smile as we go into my room, we get comfortable on the bed and I turn on the tv and find a movie we both want to watch, it's a comedy that makes us both laugh. We're almost at the end of the movie when Nash opens the door, looking absolutely hot. He's wearing his lacrosse jersey and basketball shorts.

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