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Cameron POV

It's upsetting to see my friend so crushed and heartbroken, I'm torn between making sure Matt is okay and wanting to spend time alone with Nash. Luckily Nash is an awesome boyfriend and he understands completely that Matt needs support right now and they've actually grown close enough that Nash considers him one of his closest friends and vice versa, it makes me happy to see them get along so well. I wish I could say the same for Carter and but if I'm being honest with myself, I never really cared for him. I tolerated him but I never really liked him. If it wasn't for Nash and Matt I wouldn't even interact with him at all.

We sit out on the deck and I'm sitting cuddled close to Nash. Matt is sitting next to me and he just stares at his hands with a dejected look on his face. I could kill Carter for putting that look on his face again, as if he didn't learn the first 2 or 3 times. But I know Matt and I know that he's finished, Carter might think he can crawl back to Matt again but Matt is done, he's upset about it but he won't take Carter back. When I glance at Carter he's looking pretty intently at Matt and I can almost hear what he's thinking, I want to clue him in on the fact that Matt is done but I'd rather see him grovel and beg Matt like he usually does and then see his face when Matt refuses to get back together with him.

We stand and go inside, I'm cooking dinner for us and Matt helps me in the kitchen.

"So you're 100% done now," I state as we peel potatoes next to each other. Matt looks up at me and smiles sadly.

"I can't do it anymore. I can't continue to give my all to someone who doesn't give it back. I can't keep taking him back after he treats me so horribly. This is probably the worst he's ever done to me and it's the last. He just made me feel so unloved and made me feel like it was such a egregious thing to want to spend time with the love of my life. I feel stupid. I feel used. It's hard, you know? It's hard going from trying hard to keep my relationship to giving up but this is it. I'm done." He says quietly, I nod and bump my shoulder against his.

"You're amazing, Matt and you're going to find someone who makes you feel so much happier than Carter. You may think he's the love of your life but when you find that guy, you're going to wonder what the hell you were thinking. Fuck Carter for making you feel this way, I hate him for making you feel like you don't deserve to have someone who doesn't treat you like shit. I want to beat the shit out of him but honestly he's not even worth the trouble, he's nothing more than the scum in your shoe. You're so high above him, it's crazy and when he realizes that he's lost you forever it's something he'll regret for the rest of his life," I tell him and my voice grows more and more intense as I talk.

Matt looks at me with a surprised look on his face and he blinks back tears.

"Fuck... I'm sorry I didn't mean to make things worse," I tell him softly and I get upset that I made him cry.

"No... Cam it's just the opposite, you are making things better. It's like you took every insecurity I have regarding Carter and told me that it's quite the opposite and honestly you and Nash have made this whole thing so much more bearable. I'm so fucking lucky to call you guys my friends," he tells me with a smile on his face and glistening eyes. We put down on knives and hug tightly and he buries his face in my neck and I can feel him crying. I know now he's crying not because he's upset about the break up but because everything bad he had been thinking about himself for God knows how long is not true. I feel so bad for neglecting my friend while I was dealing with all the drama at school, I feel like I failed him but I'm so happy I can help him now.

The rest of the weekend is low-key, Matt and Carter maintain their distance and as much as I want to wipe that look off his face I know one day I'll be able to see the look of heartbreak that Matt had on his face on Carter's and I will enjoy every second of it.

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