Nothing Without Love

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Cameron POV

I lie in the bed as Nash allows Nate to enter the room. I'm so fucking pissed because he interrupted our cuddling, he looks around at our room, taking note that we pushed our beds together to make one big bed.

"You decorated your room pretty good, mine is plain and it's been like that since freshmen year," Nate comments as he walks up to the bulletin board where I hung up all of our pictures. Why is he here?

"I just stopped by to see if you wanted to work out with me and some of the other guys," Nate tells Nash as he turns back to Nash.

Nash looks torn but I feel like it shouldn't even be hard to make the decision, he needs to stay with me. Anyway, we work out together and I'm sure not invited to this work out session. Nate appears to be determined to exclude me from everything.

"Maybe next time," Nash says and I relax a little bit. "I'm pretty sore from all the heavy lifting and stuff with the boxes so I'll give my muscles a rest tonight so I'm good for tomorrow."

Nate seems to understand Nash's excuse and he nods.

"Okay then, I guess I'll see you tomorrow, 3pm sharp." Nate says and he throws Nash a smiles and leaves without ever even looking my way. What a fucking asshole. I know he wants to steal Nash from me, it's so fucking obvious. It makes my insecurities bubble to the top of my mind and I start to think about how Nate is a better match for Nash and how I'm pretty much the opposite of Nash.

Nash crawls back to bed with me and pulls me close, I know he can tell I'm a little upset and he rubs my arms tenderly.

"You have nothing to worry about, baby. There's no way I could ever live without you. You're it for me, I found the person I want to spend the rest of my life with and there's no way he'll ever manage to tear us apart," he promises. His fingers go to the ring on my right ring finger and he traces it slowly.

"I meant every word I said when I gave you this. It's a promise that I will never break," he murmurs and makes my heart melt and my body relax fully. I fucking love this boy so much, he always knows exactly how to make me feel better. I turn and press my lips to his and kiss him slowly. We kiss for a bit and then cuddle close together to sleep, classes start tomorrow. It's kind of amazing how being together allows us to sleep normally but when we're apart we end up being insomniacs again.

The next day I attend all of my classes and maintain constant contact with Nash through text. We don't have any classes together because our majors are completely different. I meet a few people in my biology class and we exchange numbers, I'm happy that I'm able to make some new friends because it would be so lonely especially when Nash has to travel for games away from the university. I especially got a long with a guy named Jacob, we're doing the same major Pre-Med and actually have a lot in common.

Nash and I can't meet for lunch because our schedules are completely different, he's in class right now and my stomach is growling.

"Want to head to the cafe?" Jacob asks me as we leave the class. I was planning on picking up something to eat and taking it back to the dorm room but it's a much better idea to spend some time with Jacob and get to know him. How else can we become friends if we never hang out?

We chat as we eat, I find out Jacob is from Tenessee and that he sings and plays guitar.

"Why aren't you doing music?" I ask him as I bite into my sandwich.

"There's no stablity if I did music. I always wanted to be a doctor and music can just be my hobby, I'm happy with that," he explains and I nod in understanding.

"I never knew what I wanted to study until my boyfriend was injured on the field and I spent a lot of time with him in the hospital. That's when I figured out I wanted to be a doctor," I tell him and he freezes a bit when I mention that I have a boyfriend. I get scared, scared that my new friend will reject me because I am gay.

"Oh...are you guys still together?" He asks after a few moments. I'm confused by his reaction, he doesn't seem to be bothered by the fact that I'm gay, there's something else and I can't pinpoint what it is.

"Yeah... he actually attends this university as well, we share a dorm room. We always knew we'd end up together no matter where it was," I tell him, smiling a little bit when I think of Nash and our relationships.

"What's his name" Jacob asks, his body language is back to normal but I'm still curious about why he reacted that way.

"Nash Grier," I say and he stares at him a little shocked. "What?"

"Nash Grier is the only thing my roommate ever talks about for like the last day, it's kind of sickening. He's a senior and I think the captain of the Lacrosse team? But like whenever he's on the phone or whatever he's talking about him," Jacob explains and I frown.

"Nate is your roommate?" I ask and Jacob nods at me. What are the odds that my new friend is roommates with Nate. "What does he talk about?"

"Mostly about how he's really good and he's going to be a starter for the team. But he also talks about like... getting with him and stuff. But Nash is your boyfriend so what the hell? Does Nate know you?" Jacob is confused at the whole situation.

"Yeah he knows me but he ignores my existence. I'm not worried though. Nash and I have a strong relationship and if Nate thinks he's going to steal Nash from me he's sorely mistaken," I tell him as I finish eating. I glance at my clock and notice that it's almost 3pm, Nash's lacrosse practice should be starting soon and he wants me to be there.

"Do you want to watch the lacrosse team practice with me? We can work on the Biology exercise together that's due next class," I offer, I want to spend more time with Jacob to further solidify our friendship. My biggest fear is still that I won't have any friends like my freshmen year of high school, but this time it's started out a lot better than last time.

Jacob nods and we get rid of our trash. We chat as we walk all the way to the lacrosse field, asking each other questions about our lives.

We reach the field and I immediately see Nash lying down on the grass stretching out, he looks so fucking good I just want to eat him up but I have to behave. We take a seat on the bleachers and take out our biology books from our book bags.

I don't want to disrupt Nash's warm up, he's always very focused when he does it and hates to be interrupted so I don't grab his attention. I just wait patiently for him to notice that I'm here, I know once he's done he'll start looking for me. He says I'm his lucky charm.

We're midway through our assignment when I notice Nash jogging towards up. I beam at him as he reaches us, he leans in and kisses me a hard kiss.

Working out, warming up or playing Lacrosse always gets Nash worked up, I can't deny that I like him like this.

He pulls away after a few moments and looks at Jacob.

"Baby this is Jacob, he's Pre-Med like I am, we have biology together," I introduce my new friend to Nash. Nash gives him a small smile and shakes his hand.

"Nice to meet you Jacob," Nash says and he turns back to me. "We're about to start and then afterwards we're doing that team bonding thing. So I'll meet you back at our room tonight,okay?"

I nod at him and I'm disappointed that I won't see him until after dinner. I guess I'll just be alone until Nash gets back from the stupid team bonding. Nash presses another kiss on my lips and then jogs back to the field as his coach blows his whistle.

"He's kind of intense, huh?" Jacob comments as we watch him run back.

"Yeah, yeah he is," I reply.

And he's all mine.

A/N- I'm sorry for the filler, just trying to get the ball rolling :D

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