Past The Point of No Return (Epilogue)

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Nash POV

I wish I could say that Cameron and I remained close and our relationship strong despite the distance, but I can't. I kept my promise that I would drive home every weekend, the first few weekends were amazing, we spent them together until the very last moment that I had to leave. But the there was a subtle change in Cameron after that. He made new friends at UCLA, including a former teammate of mine, Aaron Carpenter. Even though he had all week to hang out with them, he chose to do things with them while I was at home visiting him. He never invited me to their outings even when I gave him hints that I was willing to go and meet his new friends.

The more time passed the further away Cameron drifted from me. I tried so hard to keep with me, I texted him all the time. He would respond only some of the time and it would take him a while to even reply when he did. That hurt my feelings so much. I never imagined that he could treat me that way but I suppose he blamed me for the situation we were in. I thought it still wasn't an excuse to treat me like that, we could have worked if only he put in the effort like I did.

So now it's summer break and I'll be home for 3 months. Although we drifted apart, Cameron and I are still a couple. I'm hoping that the 3 months we have together will be enough to mend the broken pieces of our relationship. I'm thinking about transferring to UCLA anyway, especially if Cameron remains distant. I can't lose him, I wouldn't be able to cope with losing him.

He hasn't replied to my text that I made it safely home and his car is in the driveway so I know he's there.

I knock in the door and his mother opens it with a smile on her face.

"Hi, Nash. I'm so happy to see you." She tells me as she pulls me in for a tight hug and I hug her back.

"It's good to see you too," I reply and I step away, she lets me inside and I head up to Cameron's room. I don't knock and when I enter I find him lying in bed with Aaron Carpenter. They aren't that close together but they're in the middle of laughing at something, Cameron's phone is right there beside him and I know he got my message, he just didn't bother to reply to it.

"Hey, baby." I greet him softly and they turn their heads to look at me as their laughter dies down.

"Hi, Nash. I'm sure you know Aaron, you used to play lacrosse together." Cameron says and he doesn't look as happy as he did a few moments ago before I interrupted them.

"Whats up, man?" I greet him and he nods in return but doesn't say anything. I feel awkward just standing there so I sit down on the chair at Cameron's desk and face them.

Neither of them talk to me and I frown at the awkward silence that fills the room.

"So... uhm, I was thinking maybe we could go up to the cabin for a week?" I ask him and I feel awkward for asking in front of Aaron, and also at the fact that he's lying in bed with Cameron and I'm sitting on this stupid chair. Cameron didn't even bother to stand up and give me a kiss or anything. His behavior is disconcerting.

"Oh? Yeah, I guess that would be nice. I've told Aaron all about it and he's excited to see it," Cameron says and he and Aaron share a smile. I tilt my head as I study them, what the fuck is going on here?

"Well actually, I planned it to be just you and me babe. Since we haven't spent much time together since you've been so busy during the weekends," I tell him and his smile fades from his face.

"Oh... Uhm. Yeah that would be nice, I guess." He replies and I can feel my heart cracking at the way he's speaking to me. It's like we haven't been together all these years and he's making me feel like I am an intruder.

"You don't have to if you don't want to," I say and I can hear the bitterness in my voice, I stand up to leave because I refuse to be embarrassed in front of a practical stranger.

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