Part 21. (Flashback #5)

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-Flashback #5-

Tory came running towards me but I dodged her, grabbing her legs and flipping her over me and on to the ground. I stuck my foot on her stomach and looked down at her with a smirk.

Y/n: Like I said, Drop. It. - I removed my foot and she got up and walked away with the other cobra's. I turned to Eli and seen him smiling. I walked over to him.

Y/n: What? - I asked chuckling.

Hawk: That's my girl. - He said smiling. I gave him a confused smile.

Hawk: You always had a sassy attitude. I like it. - He said pulling me into a hug but I pushed him away, he looked at me confused.

Y/n: You remember me? - I asked. He smiled.

Hawk: Always have. Miguel and I planned this. I never lost my memory you dork! How could I ever forget the love of my life? - He said smiling. I looked at him shocked.

Hawk: What? - He asked.

Y/n: You... you - I asked, stuttering. He smiled and walked up to me, our faces inches apart.

Hawk: Yeah... yeah I did. Got problem with that? - He asked tickling me.

Y/n: No! I...I love you to! - I said chuckling. He smiled and pulled me in for a kiss.

Hawk: Good. - He said looking down at me.

-End OF Flashback #5-

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