wearing her down

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September 22nd, 1976


"Have you guys seen Adie today?" Sirius said to his three best friends after finally deciding to give in and ask about a certain blonde who was not present. "It's not like her to skip lunch..." He let his eyes scan around the dining hall to see if she was sitting at another house table but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Padfoot, I'm sure she's fine, she is probably with McKinnon and Evans in the library." An amused Remus responded as he watched his friend's panicked eyes soften a bit once realizing the likelihood that anything bad happened to her was slim. He had become quite panicked lately as the distaste for blood-traitors grew by the hour. 

"Yeah, you're right I'm just getting stressed for no good reason...stop. Don't even start with me, Prongs." Sirius cut James off before he could even begin to tease his best friend about his painfully obvious crush on their feisty blonde companion.

James smirked "Calm down lover boy I wasn't going to say anything..."

"Yeah, I'm sure you weren't, you arse-"

Before Sirius could finish, he was interrupted by the five-foot-four beauty that he had been looking for.

"Tell me how amazing I am," Adelaide said as she squeezed herself in between James and Remus, plucking James' piece of toast out of his hands. She took a bite before handing it back as he grumbled a complaint about how she could have gotten her own.

"You know you're amazing, why do we have to tell you?" Peter piped up from across the table with Sirius next to him nodding his head, agreeing with their friend.

"Well you don't need to tell me but Jamesie here certainly does if he wants to hear my fabulous news," she said as she smiles cheekily at her friend. This peaked all the boy's interests as James's eyes widened.

"Wait, does this have anything to do with where you've been all day?" James inquired as turned his whole body to face her. She laughed at his intentive stare.

"No no... it is the who you should be asking about." Adelaide flashed her signature smirk meaning she knew something the boys didn't.

Merlin, if only she knew what that smirk does to me. No snap out of it... pay attention to the words she's saying... the words falling from her perfect pink lips that are probably extremely soft- no snap out of it.

Suddenly a swift kick was sent to Sirius's left leg. He winced and looked up at Remus who gave him a pointed look and mouthed 'you were staring'. Sirius gave a small smile to thank his friend before looking back to James as he begged her for the information she was already going to give him.

"Come on Whiskers, you can't get me all excited then do nothing!" James whined before looking at the other boys, silently begging one of them to help him out.

"He's got a point mon cœur, you can't just tease a boy like that,"  Sirius leaned his head on his hand while looking at her with a small smirk playing on his lips.

"Oh but ma moitié..." Adelaide copied his actions by leaning on her hand towards him and batting her eyelashes in a flirting manner, "Teasing boys is what I excel at." She flashed him an innocent smile.

Sirius chuckled and sat up, sliding his fingers through his hair, something he does when he gets flustered. A feeling he's been experiencing a lot lately due to the playful flirting his best friend and he have been participating in. "That it is mon cœur, that it is," he replied.

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