water is thicker than blood

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February 2nd, 1977


Adelaide had been putting on a fairly convincing facade of indifference, or at least she thought she was.

To say the girl has had a stress free few days would be a horrible lie. Things only got more complicated when some gossiping Slytherins' decided to let this little issue slip to a few Ravenclaws. By lunch, the whole school knew Adelaide Tanelter is set to be wed to Evan Rossier two days after they return from Hogwarts for the summer.

In some aspect, a weight was lifted when she discovered Evan was neither in on their future plans nor had any desire to marry her in the first place. "You're stunning, great girl, don't get me wrong but the girl part is actually part of why this can never happen."

Who knew Evan Rosier's sexuality would bring her such relief?

Sirius was understandably frustrated. He hated the people that gave her life, always has, and always will. swearing that the only good they've done in their time on earth was giving the world Adelaide. She was worried he'd do what he always did when things got hard; avoid it and get drunk.

But Sirius Black has been stone-cold sober. In fact, he has spent every minute brainstorming how to keep her far away from the Tanelters. Though murder seemed to be the only thing that would prevent those terrifying lunatics from stealing her from the Potters. It didn't help that every time he watched his girlfriend's jaw clench as she swallowed her feelings a new wave of rage and worry would consume him.

Despite wanting a solution more than anything in the world; Sirius also wanted to be the one to solve this dilemma.

So when Nico Rener approached the group at breakfast, asking to speak to Adelaide for a moment, Sirius was irritated. But when she returned with a wide smile and blushing cheeks; Sirius was livid.

"What could that dunce possibly have to talk to you about?" Sirius spat as his eyes tracked a rather content-looking Gryffindor as he made his way back to his spot further down the table.

Adelaide rolled her eyes, "That dunce has potentially solved all our problems."

Sirius snapped his head towards his girlfriend with a look of pure shock while the rest of the group perked up and gave the blonde all their attention.

"What did he say?" James pressed, praying to any god and/or ancestor listening that this news would mean his sister would be okay.

"Nico's father is pretty high up in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and he sent him a letter about my situation-"

"What gives him the right to air out your life to his family?" Sirius interrupted, sending another glare fueled by nothing other than jealousy toward the Rener boy

"Oh, spare me! Jealousy is so last season, especially when you already got the girl! Now, shut your trap before you lose her, or I buy you a muzzle; whichever comes first." Marlene snapped as she pointed her knife toward the dark-haired boy.

Sirius huffed in annoyance but didn't retort as Alediade placed her hand on his bouncing knee; in an attempt to soothe her irritable and nervous boyfriend.

"His dad said since I am seventeen, my parents-"

"Your birth givers."

Adelaide sent a soft smile toward James who was giving her a very pointed look. "My birth givers cannot force me to marry someone since I am seventeen and am a legal adult."

"I don't mean to bring you down but those tossers are deranged not stupid. You think they wouldn't find a way around that, they'd have to know you'd try and pull the adult card on them." Mary responded as Marlene nodded along.

"Mr. Rener acknowledged that," Adelaide said with a nervous smile.

"Okay... so what are the other measures we have to take?" James pressed, not wanting to get his hopes up but desperately wanting this mess fixed. Lily placed a gentle hand on his arm in support, neither acknowledging it.

"Silas sent me my letter of disownment when I was fourteen. He notified me by handwritten letter that I was no longer a part of the family. He revoked my key to the family vault and sent my trunk to Hogwarts, letting it drop on the breakfast table. He signed this letter."

"Yes, Ads, we know this..." Remus said as he waited for the purpose of this trip down memory lane.

She began to get nervous as she looked right at James. "I can be adopted if I can prove I was disowned. If they try to take me, it would be considered an abduction because they would have no legal ties to me. I know it would be a lot to ask but I-"

James, with the biggest smile on his face, interrupted once more. "Say no more, sister dearest. If you'd excuse me I have a letter to write."

Her heart rushed with love as she watched the boy she had always considered a brother race out of the Great Hall. She glanced down to the table towards Nico who had watched James leave with a smile on his face.

"Thank you." She mouthed to him.

"No problem." Nico silently replied.

"Padfoot 2 - Nico 1, bloody ridiculous," Sirius mumbled under his breath, inaudible to Adelaide.

The rest of the group was buzzing in excitement. Mary stated she was glad she didn't have to rush to design Adelaide's dress. Peter claimed he knew things would work out. Lily was upset that she didn't think of this first. Remus said they had to fill in Regulus which caused Marlene to state that he could tell the snake himself if he remembered after getting lost in his eyes. Remus then hit Marlene with a biscuit.

Then Sirius placed a kiss on Adelaide's temple, his relief seeping into her skin through the contact. "You're going to be okay." It was a statement they both needed to be spoken into the universe.

Before long James had returned and pulled the blonde into a tight embrace. "Before you know it, you'll be Adelaide Elizabeth Potter everywhere, not just within these castle walls."

"Who said dreams don't come true?" She replied giddily as she tightened her arms around his midsection.

"That is until the baguette forces her to take his name." Marlene retorted through a mouthful of toast.

The group burst into a round of hysterics at the look of pure betrayal on Sirius's face as he realized the girl was talking about him. Adelaide glanced around at her friends, her chosen family, she couldn't help the warm feeling flood through her. The feeling only grew as she glanced over towards the Slytherin table and saw the soft smile on Regulus' face as he watched the group that had been solemn for days radiate joy. As she took all of this in a singular thought filled her mind.

Blood may be thicker than water... but in reality, there would be no blood without water. Water may not be thicker, but it trumps blood any day.

sooo... i'm not dead! surprise!

i know i've been m.i.a. for about seven months now and i really never meant my little break to become not so little so let me explain.

i had lost confidence in my writing abilities and direction in my life, so i took a step back and put my mental health first; maybe for the first time in my life.

you wouldn't believe how much that helped.

i got a fresh start with a new group of friends.

i'm hoping to get back into the flow of my writing but bare with me, if anyone is even still going to read this.

to everyone that sent me messages and posted on my board to check in on me, i appreciate you all so much. i never thought anyone truly cared about my work or me, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

i have every intention of seeing you all soon.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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